Wrong timing

I am less and less of a believer of the long held belief that success is a matter of effort. We human, have a tendency to define things in black and white forgetting to include all the other conditions that goes into the biggest odd for a success. Yes, I am going to start calling that now: “Odds that might lead to success.”

We often fail to factor in, the opportunities, economic conditions as well as age into account. Also failing miserably, to account for the possibility that maybe, just maybe. Some had it easier than the other. Something I am still bitter about and finally recongnized as a fact so I can move on. The fact of the matter is, due to a difference of 4 years, my friend Frank had it waaay easier than I did.

Think 60% higher starting salary at no experience needed to be hired as a programmer vs my 2 years of perilous search for a tech job. The only difference being simply when he graduated.

I have to admit this fact and forget the bitterness. I have to admit to myself that I was foolish not to study the society as a whole and that I went into this domain whole heartedly without pondering the repercussion first. Just because it is the hardest program and the most looked up upon job, doesn’t mean it’s the greatest. I have to admit that I made a mistake. Yes I MADE IT, so that in the future, I WILL take it into account.

Moving on, the most sensible thing for me to do, is to look at the future. What will emerge out of this mess that we are in and what will I have to do to catch the wave.

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