Decreasing pills and walking in water less pain


“Decreasing pills and walking in water will help reduce pain”
Pain is not only muscle stiffness but literally pain thrust with needle .
Dr. Jung, who performed ten thousands orthopedics operation cases, presented in pain meeting with ‘In-Out Economy TV’ like this recommended exercise for health as said “Stiffness is just a good symptom while exercise.”

He referred to typical inquiries patients ask as ‘Are exercises required even if I feel pain?’, as explaining, “If you don’t exercise due to ache, in the case of knees, muscle can’t be recovered” and ”It’s kind of Mobius strip that lack of muscular strength derives pain, it derives lack of exercise, and it arises shortage of muscular strength.”

Moreover he said, “Even you take pill you should choose one of exercises and practice with less pain,” “Circumstances would be better when you start walking in water, decreasing gradually quantity of medicine.”

“If patients with arthritis feel pain, reject to it,” “It helps strengthen muscular strength for those whom have no arthritis or sort of weakened cartilage.” significantly about stepping on stairs he referred.

Not only domestic patients but also foreign patients visit easily to visit Wooridul Hospital, where he works, due to its closeness to Gimpo airport.
In that he demonstrated “Local patients could get re-operation if is proved through consultation that it was not enough, besides for foreign patients it had best get them go back to their countries with successful operation due to infrequent chance to meet, introducing operation experience of Russian Judo national representative athlete.”

“He was almost impossible to walk due to injured cartilage. According to him, only he could do was Judo. If he gave up, he had had to quit university and subsidy would not be served. Although his surgery was so tough that it took three hours, I had performed with sense of mission as a doctor to cure him. He fortunately recovered and became able to walk. Now he can come back to the field,” showing his self-confidence even though his circumstance tremendously pressed on him.

He is the one who enters operating room as keeping his mind of responsibility as doctor and attitude stocking wealth, nonetheless patients’ personal excuses or pressure along each states evoke stress. He also uttered “When I help patients walk well joints get strength and doing exercises whole body become vigorous. I feel it may back as fortune whenever I do treatment for each patient,” as well as attitude to treat patients.

“Recently had been increased financial difficulties due to highly increased number of specialized hospital, many of them over require patients of operation, consultation or tests,” “Patients can be viewed as people with pain, not as target for business.” he highly recommended with sincere attention.

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