Vallejo – War Games Paint Series: Infantry Basic Paint Set


Acrylicos Vallejo continues to bring new and exciting items to the modelers’ benches around the world. Two of their latest offering is from the War Game Paint Series.  Jeff Tucker takes a look at both of these sets for MSC.


In this section of my review / blog I will be taking a look at, and using one of two of Vallejo’s War Games Paint Series Sets.

1. Set # 70.156. Infantry Basic Paint Set

About the company

Vallejo has been around for a long time and was registered in the U.S. in 1965. Their paints are available World Wide. They offer a wide range of products including but not limited to acrylic paint for models. To see what is available in their extensive line of model paint products, you can use this link

First up, We have set # 70.156 the Infantry Basic Paint Set. This set comes in a nice glossy cardboard container with 8 of Vallejo’s standard 17 ml. bottles.

Model: VAL70156

MSRP: £15.99 UK / $26.97 US

This is an eight color paint set for the painting of WW2 infantry models. This set is comprised of Vallejo’s high quality Model Color 17ml bottles.

Set Contains: 

  • 70955 Flat Flesh
  • 70875 Beige Brown
  • 70863 Gunmetal Grey
  • 70962 Black Grey
  • 70951 White
  • 70915 Deep Yellow
  • 70957 Flat Red
  • 70930 Dark Blue

You may have noticed the word “Basic” in the set title. That is just what it is. Vallejo has come up with a set of common infantry colors that can then be supplemented with Country specific sub sets shown on the back of the box. The sub sets come with 6 colors at a cost of about 14 -15 dollars.


Depending how fussy you are, you may or may not want to add these sub sets to your paint stash. By mixing some of the colors together from the basic set, I was able to get all of the colors I needed to paint a WWII German Soldier. Hey it may not be totally correct but you use what you got right?

The test subjects for this came from the Plastic Soldier Company’s German SdKfz 251/D Halftrack Variants kit in 1/72 scale. This is a great little kit with a lot of stuff in it. If you’re interested you can find a review here:   Yes, I know it was written by Me. :)

O.K. Let’s do some figure painting.

Here are the two victims.

Washed and ready to go


I primed one and left one in bare plastic to see which surface would be easier to paint. I thinned the paint with regular tap water at a ratio of 2 parts paint to 1 part water and was applied with a 0000 brush.

Here are the results of 2 coats of paint on the primed figure. As you can see the coverage was good and the paint flowed nicely.


Compare that to 4 coats on the un-primed figure and you can see the difference. The paint did not cover nearly as well and did not flow at all.


Needless to say putting this paint over a primed surface works much better. This fellow will be placed back in the box and be addressed at a later time.

So, let’s get Franz squared away. I will not bore you with a color by color process but will cut to the finished product.

So there you have it. All the colors are two coats. I know the red and the yellow aren’t correct, I was just trying them out to see how they worked.

All and all I was very happy with the way these paints worked and by mixing some of the colors together, I was able to get the colors I needed. Over a primed surface they flowed and covered very well. They did not dry too quickly which can be a problem with some other brands and were easy to use. Clean up of my brush and mixing pallet was a breeze with Windex and water.

If I’ve left anything out or you have any questions Guys, don’t be afraid to ask and I’ll try to answer them a well as I can.

Next up when I get a little better weather, will be Vallejo’s German Armor Paint Set # 70.155. I’ll be trying to spray some of those colors.

Special thanks to Jeff Tucker for this review as well as to Acrylicos Vallejo for the review samples!



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