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Do You Believe Them?… Cameroon military are claiming to have killed Boko Haram leader Imam Shekau (See Photos)


The Cameroon military yesterday announced they have killed Boko Haram leader, Abubakar Shekau, in a statement released on their website.

The statement was written in French (a language I don’t understand…so I got the report from Cameroon Concord. See it below…

In a rare public show by the Cameroon army, photos of the Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau were made public alongside a statement claiming he was killed during a cross border raid deep inside Nigeria by the Cameroon military. A Cameroon military source who spoke to Cameroon Concord late last night, revealed that Abubakar Shekau was killed following an aerial bombardment of his hideout inside Nigeria. The Cameroon army has ever since yesterday been in serious combat against thousands of Boko Haram fighters trying to enter Cameroon via Fotokol from Gambaral Ngala in Nigeria.

Is that the same man though?




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One comment

  1. Adebayo isaac Adejugbagbe {South-Africa}

    We don’t need to jubilate now,because the fact has not yet taken. I pray all these culprits will brought to book very soon.

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