MFT Summer School: Secondary

PrintDay Four of fun on the MFT Blog! MFT Summer School: Session Two! They have been enjoyable. I love this stuff. 🙂PrintToday’s lesson: Secondary. That is, to say, Orange, Green and Purple. I’m trying to embrace purple 😉 Be sure to head over to the MFT Blog to read all the knowledge!

There is also a great download for your reference 😉

Here’s my card:

hawkins_jill_i heart you_00_wmI am fascinated with the Abstract stamp, die and stencil. So cool. 🙂 hawkins_jill_i heart you_wmThose are the Hip Clips–new dies by Laina Lamb. Fun! 🙂

The My Favorite Things blog is where you can link to the other designer’s cards…and learn how to WIN some goodies! Yes!! 🙂

If you missed my other Summer School posts this week, here they are: Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday (+ the Sketch Challenge!).

This card is made with the following supplies at My Favorite Things:



Be sure to follow the My Favorite Things Challenge & Inspiration blog for the Sketch Challenge and the Color Challenge!!PrintThanks for stopping over! Be sure to stop by tomorrow for the last day of MFT Summer School! 🙂

Have a great Thursday!

Jill 🙂

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