My Demon Lover by Melissas Dark Angel

demon lover 2

It was a night of fun she thought

when she conjured up a demon

a sexual one that would bruise her skin

and leave finger prints on her thighs

He whispered her name

told her things no one would know

His sex was clawing at her then

it hurt like hell

shut up she thought shut the fuck up

he told her his name

as she beckoned it during rituals

ones only God saw

she knew she’d have to pay the piper

this demon gave her his hand

she took it

now she lay with one black wing

and one white one

eyes of amber

she is in limbo lookin for escape

demon lover 4



The Orphan Killer 2 Bound x Blood Coming Summer 2014
The Orphan Killer 2
Bound x Blood
Coming Summer 2014


The Orphan Killer Steelbook is available now! 

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