Pete and Brigette Review The Grand Budapest Hotel

The Grand Budapest Hotel


Pete: A totally enthralling film that is as exciting and well executed as it was charming. If I were forced to pick one writer/director as my favorite Wes Andersen would be my prime candidate. In my opinion this is Ralph Fiennes’ finest performance. Extra points for having Harvey Keitel appear without exposing his junk. There was some fantastic architecture, scenery, and models employed in making this film but if I had to pick one, I would have to say the Hotel’s elevator interior. I’d recommend Pipeworks Brewing Company’s Budapest Gambit Imperial Witbeer with this film.


Brigette: Wes Anderson films just make me happy. They have a message of love and they look so pretty. This one is no exception and I think it was one of Ralph Fiennes’ best roles. And the fact that the DVD extra is “How To Make a Courtesan au Chocolat” is the icing on the cake!

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