I Love Men

I think men are wonderful creatures.  They come in numerous varieties.  We have all heard the saying “He’s just your type.”  Well I’ve got news for you, some of us don’t have a type.  All I want is a guy who is going to treat me like I’m the only woman on earth.  I’m not asking for much.  What does he look like?  That’s a tough question.  For me it is anyway. 1376448_425381014228805_198532581_n[1] Some woman will have an answer for you, “he has blue eyes and blond hair” “he’s tall and muscular” “dark and handsome”.  All of which are open to interpretation, after all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  What turns one on may repulse another.  Sometimes a lot of women will find the same man attractive but each will have her own reasons.  For some it’s eyes, others it’s muscles, sometimes even hair.


I’ve never tried to hide the fact that I find men to be pleasing to the eye.  I post and share “hot guy” pics all the time.  If you pay attention, on Facebook not Twitter, they vary greatly in physical appearance.  Some blond, some brunette.  Some are tall and slender, while others are built like a brick shit house. Yet each and everyone of them evokes thoughts.  Some more than others but all of them do.  The thoughts vary from sweet to the kinkiest extreme.


When it comes to the pleasures of the flesh, there’s not a whole lot I haven’t tried.  I don’t consider myself promiscuous, but I’ve been to my fair share of rodeos. Thirty-four of them to be exact.  Most of them, I will admit, were one/two time things.  Booty calls, one night stands, take your pick.  But I remember every single one of them.  I’m not here to name names, I’m here to talk about how very different they all were.  I want to talk about these so called types, or at least how I classify them.

I don’t think that I am the only one who believes this next statement, I think it’s true for all of us, both men and women.  In order for there to be a union of the flesh, there has to be something that titillates.  Something that catches your eye, makes you breathless, makes you think to yourself “I gotta have me some of that.”  Like I said, although some of us may find the same person appealing, we will each have a different reason why. 1381447164781

Ok, enough chit chat, let’s get to down to it.  Let’s look at some of the finest examples (in my opinion) of the male form!!  But where to start? Hmmm.  I don’t know, how about I just let my mind wander around and see where we end up?  Sounds like a splendid idea to me. The brick shit house.  Some ladies like a muscular man.  I’m not talking fit, I’m talking ripped.  Muscles on his muscles type.  I don’t usually go for these myself because most of them are arrogant self absorbed douches, once again just my opinion.  Every once in awhile though, one comes along and well I just can’t help myself.  Case in point…


Not your cup of tea?  That’s fine, there’s more!547226_236427993178222_1016712485_n[1]

You get the idea. Next let’s look at some that are fit.  What’s the difference? Not a lot actually.  They still have very well defined muscles, but, well, just look and see for yourself.


Do you see the difference?  Or is it just me? Maybe, like me you like a guy with long hair.  Call it a product of being twenty when hair bands were prominent.

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Maybe you like a more redneck type of guy.



Or if you’re like me, maybe a surfer dude….



Or a nice laid back stoner guy.



Then there are some guys that don’t fall into a category.  They are just plain old sexy as hell and we love them.  They make us have evil thoughts.  Fantasies that would make a hooker blush.

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Ok, I think I need a cold shower now.  I’ll be back to this topic soon!


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