Let’s Talk Books With Kerrie Paterson, Author of Return To Jacaranda Avenue

Let's Talk Books


Today I’m super excited to introduce you all to a wonderful and bright new voice in contemporary rural fiction, Kerrie Paterson.  Some of you who have read the Bindarra Creek Series might recognise Kerrie’s name,  but Kerrie’s publishing journey started not all that long ago in early 2015 when she first published a collection of short stories titled Moonstone Cottage. Since then she has published a further four full length novels and has many more on the go. With the world as her oyster and a promising future ahead, I really can’t wait to see what Kerrie Paterson puts out next.

Kerrie Paterson writes contemporary women’s fiction and small town / rural romance – mainly stories about women in their 40s and above who have reached a crossroads in their life. She loves to write about women’s relationships with their friends and family, as well as their romances.






What are you currently reading?

I always have a couple of books on the go. Currently it’s Victoria Purman’s Hold On to Me and Jill Mansell’s You and Me, Always. I’m enjoying them both!


What was the last book you bought?

Natasha Lester’s A Kiss from Mr Fitzgerald. I haven’t read it yet, as much as I want to – I’m saving it up until I have a free day and can enjoy it in one sitting!

Do you prefer to read books in print or electronically?

In print. While I buy ebooks, it takes me forever to get around to reading them because I prefer a printed book. Ebooks are good for holidays though – they take up far less space in the suitcase!

What does your bookshelves look like? Do you have an organisation system (genre, colour, author…) or are you just happy to go with the flow?

Messy 🙂 I need several more shelves as they’re currently overflowing! I do have some vague order – mostly by genre and author, but I’m not pedantic about it.

How often do you read?

Every day. I usually try to take thirty or so minutes while I’m eating lunch to relax with a book, as well as a few chapters before bed to unwind. If I don’t read (or get interrupted while I’m reading), I get very grumpy!

Describe what you would expect to find in your dream book?

Great female friendships, a sexy beta hero and a strong, independent heroine. Characters that stay with me long after I close the book. I prefer a small town setting but I don’t care what country. Oh and it has to be a satisfying, happy ending

How do you choose what to read next?

I borrow from a couple of local libraries each week (it’s an addiction – I borrow even if I have far more than I can read!), so they usually get priority, followed by ones I’ve purchased. But from those it’s whatever I’m in the mood to read – hence why I usually have several books on the go at once.

So you’ve started a book and discover it’s not for you. Are you more likely to discard it or finish it?

Discard. I used to be the type who had to finish any book they started, but I decided some time ago that life is way too short to read a book you’re not enjoying!

If you could read any book again, for the first time, what book would you choose?

Oh this is a tough question! Maybe To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. I read it while I was in school and loved so much about it. I’ve read it again a couple of times as an adult and still love it. I can’t see myself ever reading Go Set a Watchman though because I don’t want to spoil Mockingbird.


What is about books that appeals to you so much?

What is your favourite part about reading? Losing myself in another world. Learning about different places, different people, different points of view.


Can you tell us a bit about your writing style. Are you a pantser or a plotter? Do you prefer to write in 1st or 3rd person? Are you an early riser writer or a late night owl writer?

I’m a rough plotter but I usually start out with the characters in mind before the plot. I generally plot out the turning points (very roughly) and then pants it from there. However I often have to write the first 25% or so of the book to get to know the characters before I can plot it out in too much detail.

I definitely prefer writing (and reading) in 3rd person. I occasionally write a background for my characters in 1st person, but I can’t see myself writing a whole book like that.

At the moment my writing has to fit in around my family and other responsibilities, like many authors, so I’m in a routine of writing most weekday mornings. Not too early though! I’m not an early bird, as much as I wish I could be!

Was there any particular book that inspired you to start writing?

Not that I can think of. From my early days of the Famous Five Enid Blyton books (and possibly even earlier!), I’ve always been a bookworm and happiest with my head stuck in a book. It was always a dream to write a book.

Do you have any advice to other writers out there?

Don’t stop! Each time you write you improve your skills. And find other people who understand the voices in your head – writing can be a lonely business, and having fellow writers to brainstorm, commiserate and celebrate with, makes all the difference!

And lastly, what are you currently working on?

I’m on the home stretch of the second book in the Jacaranda Avenue series. It follows on from Return to Jacaranda Avenue but can also be read as a stand-alone book. This one features pet shop owner Toria and sexy history teacher Cameron – and a stalker!

To learn more about Kerrie, visit the following social media sites:

Author Website | Facebook | Author Facebook | Twitter


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