Monday Morning Grievance: Smokey’s Hurt

I hate seeing my furry friend not feeling well.

Monday Morning Grievances Logo 1

Smokey is resting after taking an 8ft fall off the kitchen cabinets Thursday. He can’t put weight on his back left foot but is still interested in eating and cuddling. Given his age and overall health, we’re not sure what this might mean for him, but he seems to be in good spirits and he sends his regards to all of you.

Maybe this isn’t really a grievance and more of a sadness. I fell better for sharing it, though.

6 thoughts on “Monday Morning Grievance: Smokey’s Hurt

  1. I am assuming smokey is a feline and not, say…..a lizard. although…..nevermind. I’d be concerned about a cat falling. what did you do to him to make him fall, Jay? huh? Cats are such graceful creatures you know. lol

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    1. Yes, smokey’s a cat. He’s older (at least 13) but I didn’t do anything to make him fall. Maybe fall isn’t the right word; “misjudge a jump” might do. I’m told this is a common injury and as long as he stays in good spirits it’ll go away on its own or he’ll learn to deal with it long-term.

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    1. Well, it might have slowed him down briefly. As I type this he’s zooming around on three paws just as easily as he did on four. He’s already begged me for food and then jumped in the shower with me (as usual).

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