walking and writing

Trails and trials of the writer who walks

How much?

Snow above Malham Tarn

Inspired by the blog of back-packing bongo, I looked up some sub zero sleeping bag prices. They seem to start at £250. Despite shock, swallow, depression, it’s not difficult for a wilderness enthusiast to begin justifying the cost. It goes along these lines:

£250 (yes, I know in my heart I will go up to £500) is not a huge amount of money for a week’s holiday. I will be able to take short breaks in winter (don’t tell hubby – he thinks he only has to self-cater in the summer). I will no longer have sleepless nights during unseasonably cold Easters and July’s. I will only admit to half the cost to hubby. (Tell me, ladies, why I do that? It’s not his money.)

But we all know that planning the trip and buying the gear is one of the most satisfying parts of the hobby. I’m also a keen gardener and get the same thrill from ordering seeds and starting off my plants under glass. (That’s a gardener’s equivalent to the practice pack in the bedroom).

Anyone with lightweight sleeping bag recommendations that are comfortable to zero? I’d be glad to hear from you.


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This entry was posted on April 14, 2013 by in Gear and tagged .