Distribution of Development Points – The real power behind the Character

Get out your calculators and put on your +5 to math glasses because this can get complicated depending on what you’re doing.


So what are Development Points (DP)?  There exactly what they sound like, points that you use to develop your characters.  This is similar to vampire but in a more personalizable way so let’s get to it.

Step 1 – How many points do we have?

This is decided on a very simple formula based on character level.  A level 1 character gets 600 DP’s and additional 100 every time the character levels up.

Step 2 – What there used for

Simple answer, everything.  Long answer, their are19 combat skills separated into 3 main categories as well as 50+ secondary skills.  Bellow is a list of all the main combat skills.

Combat abilities

Attack – Measure the characters ability to reach his target, evade his defences and cause damage.  Depends on Dex.

Block –  Allows the character to block attacks.  Depends on Dex.

Dodge –  Allows the character to move out of harms way.  Depends on Agi.

Ki  – Allows a character to use his spiritual energy.  Is divided into Ki and Ki accumulation.

Weapons Tables – Is what determines a characters proficiency with weapons.

Martial Arts – The characters knowledge in unarmed combat

Use of Armor – The characters ability to use heavy armors without penalty or restrictions.  Depends on Str.

Supernatural Abilities

Zeon – The characters “mana pool”. The amount will determine how many spells he can cast.

Magic Accumulation (ACT) – Determines a characters casting speed.  The higher it is the faster he will be able to cast spells.

Magical projection – The characters ability to project his spells and hit his target.  Depends on Dex.

Summoning – The characters ability to summon supernatural creatures.  Depends on Pow.

Dominate – The characters ability to control supernatural creatures.  Depends on Wil.

Bind – The characters capacity to trap the essence of mystical beings inside objects or people. Depends on Pow.

Banish – The ability to expel supernatural creatures from this plane. Depends on Pow.

Magic projection Table – Allows a character to us his combat abilities for his spellcasting.

Psychic Abilities

CV’s – These are the points employed by psychics to develop their power.

Psychic Projection – The characters ability to correctly Project his mental powers. Depends on Dex.

Psychic Projection Table – Allows a character to use his combat abilities to project his psychic powers.

Step 3 – Choosing the class.

There is a limit as to how many DP’s you can invest into each category.  The limit is decided by the category/class you chose for the character.  The link below will take you to a list of each class and a visual chart that will show you how many points it cost to increase each skill along with any special bonuses or discounts it may have.

List of Classes

Step 4 – Math Time


Now that we know what to do lets put it all into practice with our example of Misaka.
She’s lvl 5 so she has a total of 1,000 DP’s which will make it easy to calculate everything and she’s a pure psychic so the class is easy too, all that’s left is number crunching.

We have 600 dp’s for her psychic powers so we’ll start with her projection.  At lvl 5 the average warrior will have 160 attack and defense ability so we’ll invest  290 pd’s so that when we add her +5 bonus from her dexterity we’ll have a total of 150 psychic projection.

600 – 290 = 310

That leaves us with 310, and since she’s a psychic the only other thing we need to worry about are cv’s, wich cost her 10 dp’s per point for a total of 31 cv’s

That finishes her psychic point distribution, wich only leaves using up her cv’s and increasing her secondary abilities

Secondary Abilities

After our psychic powers we have 400 dp’s left over for our secondary abilities.  Because there are so many, below is a link to the pdf sheet in english so you can see them for yourself and below that is a description of each difficulty and what it represents in the world.

Character Sheet

Difficulties and representations

Difficulty name / numerical difficulty / Description

routine / 20/ Normal actions that we all do each day without needing to know how to do them , like jumping down the stairs or hearing an explosion.  This difficulty usually never requires a roll although the GM can require one in certain circumstances

Easy / 40 / Easy actions that we area all used to performing, like opening a rusted lock pick or remembering a simple tune.  Even if one does not know anything on the subject a few attempts is usually enough to succeed.

Medium / 80 / A level of higher difficulty.  Luck alone is usually not enough to succeed at the task and only some body with knowledge of the task can perform constantly, like forcing a simple lock or curing a common cold.

Hard / 120 / Those actions that result very difficult for a normal person.  Requires a good amount of skill or a tremendous amount of luck to perform.  They are complex abilities like climbing a flat wall without help or complex juggling.

Very Hard / 140 / To accomplish actions of this difficulty requires large amounts of ability. It’s the limit that normal people can reach.  Only the best experts con accomplish them without problem and leaving bystanders with mouths open.  These include walking the tight rope or a complex acrobatic move.

Absurd / 180 / Like its name indicates, they are actions far beyond the reach of a normal person.  Only great champions or the gifted can accomplish them regularly, although with some effort.  Some examples include gymnastics on the asymmetric Bars or doing math problems like a calculator

Almost Impossible / 240 / Even the best will find it difficult to accomplish feats in this range, and the majority of the time they will fail.  These are actions that only a great champion or the movies hero accomplish at critical moments, like running across a falling bridge by stepping on the falling rocks and doing an incredible final jump.

Impossible / 280 / These are actions that tha no one would think possible.  These actions border on what we call reality but, as amazing as they are, are still phisically possible.  An expert would need to have the most brilliant moment of hsi carrer to accomplish something impossible, like running 100 meters in less than 8 seconds while wearing mail armor or dodge a bullet through luck or by seeing it be fires and calculating it’s trajectory.

Inhuman / 320 / Actions like these, in our reality, are fisically impossible.  Things that go beyond logic in a limited way, like lifting a van on a whim, jumping to the third story of a building in a single jump, or running between a hail of bullets and dodging them without trouble.  It is nesesary that the character be able to perform inhuman actions to reach this difficutly.

Zen / 440 / Actions that alone break the logic of what we call reality, like running more than 1,000 meters in 1 second or jump them vertically without preparation.  A character must be able to perform zen actions to reach this difficulty.

With that in mind we can now start developing her secondary abilities but even those have their tricks.  Below is a screenshot of misakas excel sheet that represents every aspect of secondary skill development with a small explanation.



  1. DP cost to increase 1 point
  2. DP invested
  3. Total ability from dp’s
  4. bonus from main ability
  5. bonus from category
  6. additional ability bonus from level*
  7. Additional skill bonus from level*

for each level a character has she can add her ability bonus again to 1 phisical and 1 mental ability as well as assigning a +10 to 5 different skills.  As an example a lvl 2 character can choose to add his ability bonus to acrobatics again so that if his ability bonus was 10 he would have an ability bonus of +30 if he applied both to acrobatics or +20 to acrobatics and +20 to another phisical ability that also relied on agility

Now that that’s done we can see with what skills eneded up and her ability in each.

  • Acrobatics – 30, this will allow her to tumble when she dodges out of harms way and not faceplant into the ground. 
  • Athetisicm – 30, Aside from always chasing after Touma, P.E. track and field can easily allow her to reach this amount
  • swimming – 30, Again P.E allows us to reach this amount, more than doggie paddle but not swim team level either
  • Climbing – 30, Simple fro climbing trees and buildings with exposed pipes and such
  • Jump – 20, enough for most realistic ocations  where jumping will be needed such as the space between 2 train cars or to reach an out of reach bar
  • Style – 15, You don’t become the Ace of Tokiwadai through skill alone, how good you look doing them is also important.
  • Intimidate – 45, In order to make annoying people think again before pushing her too far.  Could be lower but her unconscious use of her power while mad makes it logical to have this much.
  • Notice – 35, To rationalise her noticing when Touma’s around as well as avoiding surprise attacks
  • Search – 35, Something every one has whether it is to find a lost person ot that outfit in the mall
  • Science – 40, She needs at least that much to rationalise her figuring out how to make the rail gun attack work as well as all the interesting uses for her powers like statically clinging to a wall or pulling herself around.
  • Medicine – 10, About what we all have.  To be able to do a simple diagnosis of a cold and simple steps to avoid getting sicker.
  • Memorize – 35, She gets top grades so this is basic in order to do well on tests
  • Composure – 80, Living in a city full of espers, getting into fights, and being involved with really strange things merits this much.
  • F. of Strength – 15, About what normal people should have in order to push their strength above their normal capacity for mere seconds
  • Resist Pain – 15, Enough to resist stubig your toe in the dark or falling and scraping your knees
  • Art – 10, Basic art classes allow at least this much
  • Music – 15, Basic music classes allow this much
  • Sl. of Hand – 25, a decent amount for what she needs to do
  • Technology – 40, She lives in the most technologically advanced city in the world so knowing how common things work is a must.
  • Tactics – 40, To be able to develop combat strategies against her opponents without being a genius

And with that we are done with most of the character creation process.  In Misaka’s case it was easy since we knew exactly what we needed and how to get it, and since psychics only worry about 2 thing, projection and cv’s, the math was easy.

1 thought on “Distribution of Development Points – The real power behind the Character

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