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April 8, 2013


Looking for Words

Looking for words.

A friend of mine, who is a writer, told me that his creativity was blocked and did not know how to awaken it.

He had no more words…

I offered to lend him some of my words, but he was looking for his own voice and my words were no good to him.

You see, we could all have the same words, but if we don’t have the right voice to deliver the message, it all gets mixed up.
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Use your own word…

My friend...

My friend…

Looking for words.

Looking for words.

1 Comment
  1. joelle fourcroy
    May 7 2013

    Jolies photos , avec le symbole de la grenouille , la créativité, la renaissance et la métamorphose . Faites écrire la même histoire à quelqu’un vous n’obtiendrez pas le même livre . Chacun ne prend les mêmes mots pour exprimer les choses . J’aime beaucoup l’idée ! ! !

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