


Location: Europe
Languages: Spanish
Population: 47,351,567 (2020)
Capital: Madrid


Palau Blaugrana
Carrer d’Aristides Maillol 12, Barcelona, SPAIN
Olympic Moments & Facts
In an “Olympic Moment,” George mentions how he loves watching the judo finals, especially when they break the bricks…which Jerry corrects him is actually karate. After arguing over various combat sports, George challenges Jerry to explain Taekwondo, which Jerry describes as “the Judo, but with the spicy prawns. Judo and Taekwondo at the 1992 Olympics were held here.

Barcelona, SPAIN (map)
Olympic Moments & Facts
Presenting an “Olympic Fact,” Jerry notes how the pronunciation of Barcelona is said with a slight lisp, due to the King of Spain pronouncing it this way, and his subjects simply repeating it for fear of reprisal.

Camp de Tir Olímpic de Mollet
Mollet del Vallès, SPAIN
Olympic Moments & Facts
In an “Olympic Moment,” George brings up target shooting to Kramer, noting how “that’s a dull one.” Shooting at the 1992 Olympics was held here.

La Vila Olímpica del Poblenou
Barcelona, SPAIN
Olympic Moments & Facts
In an “Olympic Moment,” Kramer claims that target shooting should be a free-for-all shootout in the Olympic Village. The athletes’ village at the 1992 Olympics was here.

Port Olímpic
Edificio Capitanía, Barcelona, SPAIN
Olympic Moments & Facts
In an “Olympic Moment,” George argues that yachting at the Olympics is uninteresting, as he finds it too easy to cheat (“stick a small motor under the hull, they never check!”). Sailing at the 1992 Olympics was held here.

Modern Pentathlon sites
Barcelona, SPAIN
Olympic Moments & Facts
In an “Olympic Moment,” Jerry and George compare the Modern Pentathlon to the ancient Pentathlon, which supposedly included events such as “the Caligula Head Toss” and “Run Till You’re Dead.” The Modern Pentathlon, which is made up of fencing, swimming, shooting, running and equestrian, was held at the following locations in Barcelona:
– fencing: Palau de la Metal-lúrgia (map)
– swimming: Piscines Bernat Picornell (map)
– shooting: Camp de Tir Olímpic de Mollet (map)
– running: Circuit de Cros
– equestrian: Real Club de Polo de Barcelona (map)

Piscina Municipal de Montjuïc
Avinguda de Miramar 31, Barcelona, SPAIN
Olympic Moments & Facts
In an “Olympic Moment,” Jerry and George discuss the diving finals, where George claims there is “no action.” Diving at the 1992 Olympics was held here.

Palau Saint Jordi
Passeig Olímpic 5-7, Barcelona, SPAIN
Olympic Moments & Facts
In an “Olympic Moment,” Kramer demonstrates the iron cross hold on the Rings to Jerry and George at the coffee shop, noting how it is “the most graceful thing I’ve ever seen,” before ungracefully dismounting and falling over a number of tables. Gymnastics at the 1992 Olympics was held here.

SPAIN (map)
The Bubble Boy
George’s infamous Trivial Pursuit question asks who invaded Spain in the 8th century, causing the breakout of a fight between George and the Bubble Boy.

SPAIN (map)
The Kiss Hello
George asks Jerry if he thinks people often do the flamenco in Spain, if you can simply ask if one is “free for dinner and a flamenco.” Jerry: it’s “the dance of a very proud people.”

Estadi Olímpic de Montjuïc (now Estadi Olímpic Lluís Companys)
Passeig Olímpic 17, Barcelona, SPAIN
The Hot Tub
Jerry mentions how Jean-Paul famously overslept at the Olympics four years earlier and missed the marathon. Jerry claims if he had been with him in Barcelona, “you’d be polishing that gold medal right now” (there were no actual competitors from Trinidad And Tobago in men’s or women’s marathon at the 1992 Summer Olympics).

Pamplona, SPAIN (map)
The Secret Code
Mr. Peterman tells George about one of his products, the Pamplona beret, sizes seven and a half through eight and three quarters.

Put it in the vault!