Greater Minnesota Partnership applauds broadband investment

In an Op Ed in Hutchinson Leader letter Dan Dorman, Executive director of Greater Minnesota Partnership talks about the need for better broadband in rural areas…

When I took on the role of executive director for the Greater Minnesota Partnership four years ago, it didn’t take long to notice a few patterns when it came to discussing the challenges facing economic development in Greater Minnesota.

Whether our meetings were in Albert Lea or Thief River Falls, business and community leaders pointed to similar obstacles to growth. They talked about the need for world-class broadband to help compete on a global scale, more options for job training so employers can obtain the skilled workers needed to fill open positions, and more workforce housing so employees and their families can live in the community where they work.

And the strides that have been made so far to improve broadband…

When the GMNP started in 2014, the lack of high-quality broadband was the top complaint amongst business leaders in Greater Minnesota. Our group researched, drafted and helped advocate for the creation of the Border-to-Border Broadband Development Grant Program, which helps bring high-speed broadband to more homes and businesses. To date, $85.6 million has been awarded to increase broadband access, helping mostly Minnesota-based providers expand access to more than 3,000 businesses and 25,000 households throughout Greater Minnesota.

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About Ann Treacy

Librarian who follows rural broadband in MN and good uses of new technology (, hosts a radio show on MN music (, supports people experiencing homelessness in Minnesota ( and helps with social justice issues through Women’s March MN.

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