Cyber-Pharmacy visits for seniors in Jordan MN

Minnesota Public Radio just did a fun story on telehealth options in Jordan this week. As cold as it’s been this week I wish we could do all meetings via video!

The quick version is that 78-year-old Deloris Breeggemann is able to keep healthy (visiting heath care professionals) and safe (not trekking through ice and snow) via the computer in her kitchen. It was the nuts and bolts that I found interesting.

I like the idea of using technology to pay health care facilities to keep people healthy.

So about year ago, Fairview Partners made it possible to conduct virtual visits with the system’s health professionals. At this meeting by webcam, Breeggemann talks with Fairview Partners pharmacist Amy Busker who’s only about 20 miles away.

This visit not only gives Breeggemann access to a pharmacist via webcam, but also to a specialist — Busker is a certified Geriatric pharmacist. Over a full hour Busker reviews each medication, checking for adverse drug interactions, side effects and dose adjustments.

The economics behind this kind of program are comparable to the health law’s “Shared Savings” program under Medicare.

Fairview Partners gets a lump sum for Breeggemann’s care. If Fairview Partners keeps her healthy and reduces her medical costs, the system and her insurance plan share any savings or responsibility for excess spending.

Normally, providers are paid by the number of tests and procedures they perform. Many health experts believe that the “fee for service” system drives up costs unnecessarily.

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About Ann Treacy

Librarian who follows rural broadband in MN and good uses of new technology (, hosts a radio show on MN music (, supports people experiencing homelessness in Minnesota ( and helps with social justice issues through Women’s March MN.

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