A Lovely Year of Finishes!

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Came across this cool idea in a blog I read today, and thought it would be a great way to help me achieve two of my quilting aims for this year:  firstly, to finish off some of the WIPs I have on hand at the moment, and secondly to reduce my stash, which requires some serious attention!

With this in mind, I have selected one of my WIPs with the aim of finishing it off by the end of the month – and I thought I’d ease into the project gently by choosing first a quilt which only requires binding and then to be tied for completion, so I should be able to achieve that in 25 days, right?  It was started early last year (or was it the year before?) with the aim of donating it to a welfare group at Christmas, but somehow I just never got there.  So, here’s a photo of the quilt in its present state, and the clock is now ticking … 🙂


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11 thoughts on “A Lovely Year of Finishes!

  1. The quilt guild I belong to has those that want to participate to make a list of 12 UFOs every year, and at the monthly meeting, a number is drawn, and we are to finish that quilt for that month. Last year, I actually was able to get 9 out of the 12 finished. This year…well, other quilts have elbowed their way in, cut in line so to speak. So we’ll see how it goes. Looking forward to seeing how you manage.

    • That’s pretty impressive, to get 9 out of 12 UFOs completed in a year! I’m enjoying the ALYoF challenge this year, it has helped me to finish off 2 UFOs so far, and start and complete a third project within a month, so I’m pretty chuffed with that. Next month – if I can tear myself away from the OBWs, LOL – I will have to choose a UFO instead of starting another new project … we’ll see how strong my resolve is! 🙂

      • Fortunately, I’m retired, so I tend to work on multiple projects at a time. I’ve got a OBW that needs to sides of binding handstitched, a OBW on the design wall, and a Lone Star quilt (that I’ve been working on for a year and a half) on my longarm machine. Now if only a housekeeper was in the budget, I could get some REAL quilting done. 🙂 You’re quite productive already for someone who is still gainfully employed.

    • So far progress has been good, enough for me to feel confident of getting it finished by the deadline – it’s actually been good for me to have the commitment to aim for, which is pleasing. And I hear you on having to stop starting things – don’t know that there’s much chance of that in my case, though! 🙂

    • Thank you 🙂 It’s coming along slowly, I’m now about a third of the way through hand stitching the binding on the quilt back, and then it’s just deciding what sort of ties to use – I’m fairly confident of being able to finish it by the deadline!


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