August Orange Glad Sweets Box and Promo Code



Look at my nice bright orange box of sweet goodness!


This is my first box from Orange Glad, a company that sends you a package of sweets every month. I received this box free in exchange for this honest review of their August box. Bless them, this was so needed after a rough week with my daughter P. In our house we have a bit more than your average sweet tooth. It’s made worse by me because I love baking so much. Both A and I love our dessert so this box is pretty great for us. Anyway I couldn’t wait to see what was inside!


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Orange Glad did a great job on the product card they sent. I liked reading information about both the product and the bakers who were in the box this month.


Also included was the ingredients for anyone who wants to know what’s in their sweets or who has allergens.

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Popcornopolis Caramel Corn- $1.50?

I do love my popcorn, any kind…all kinds : ) This is your standard yummy caramel corn in an adorable cone package.

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Hottie Biscotti Getaway Girl Pineapple Coconut Biscotti- $4.25

So I checked out Hottie Biscotti’s website and the packaging is so cute and the flavors are unique for biscotti. I don’t ever buy biscottis but I love dunking them into coffee or tea. The kind I got to try I was very skeptical about. I shouldn’t have doubted how delicious this was going to be. Alone or even better dunked in your choice of hot beverage this biscotti has got all the tropical flavors. When you dunk it the layer of white chocolate and coconut gets all melted together and then you have the softer cookie with a hint of pineapple. It was really good and I want to check out other flavors now.


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Extra Treat- Honey Dipper (about $2)

This was a nice little extra included in the box. I wanted one of these so bad, I couldn’t wait to use this. Honey can be a sticky mess and this wand works some magic. The honey wraps around the grooves making it much easier and less sticky.

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Lemon Frosted Sugar Cookies from Gianna’s Homemade Baked Goods- $3.00

These I thought tasted more like a buttery shortbread cookie than a sugar cookie. The lemon frosting was hardened and not soft. I liked these but I think I could make better. I prefer a lot of zing when I use citrus. I would have liked more lemon or zest added and a softer frosting. One very nice thing about these cookies, they are vegan! I think when taking that into consideration these are yummy.


Chocolate Cake Bites from I Live For Dessert- $2.00

Ok. Any bakery called I Live For Dessert is probably going to be a hit with me, especially when chocolate is involved. These are moist chocolate cake bites filled with chocolate chips and cocoa. In addition and I love how they packaged this, a separate package of more cocoa powder and chocolate was included to dust over the top of the bites. I really enjoyed these because I like darker chocolate and not too sweet either. These were pretty darn indulgent.

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Chocolate Sprinkle Crispy Cake from The Crispery-$3.95

This was probably the item I was most excited for and so I haven’t tried it yet. I’m weird about food I really like. I tend to stash it away and eat it really slowly to make it last. So Im saving this for a particularly stressful day when I need my sugar. Also I should add that this is a really big crispy treat not your cheapo rice krispy kind. The Crispery also expands on the traditional crispy treat by adding more unique flavor combinations. On their site I saw that they had crisp treats in pb & j, caramel popcorn and mint chocolate chip flavors.

All totalled with my estimations the box was around $15 which is accurate with the cost of the box. The total cost is $21.95 for a monthly subscription because of shipping included.The contents of the box were well packed although one of my cookies and one of my biscotti’s were broken in half, like that’s so horrible right?

I get a lot of boxes, but this is the first one filled with just sweets. Let me just say yum and yum, I like sweet stuff way too much! But having this around has been awesome. I liked that the quantity of products I got was varied and enough to sample and really enjoy. That’s a big problem with some boxes, I would rather get full sizes than a bunch of tiny samples. Now Im rambling, basically of course I am loving this box. You should too and if you want one for next month please use my code NOVICEMOM7 so you can get 10% off your subscription (even for 3 or 6 months).

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