Sweet Insanity reviewed by Drunk Rant

Sweet Insanity

sweet_insanity_2006 1 stab

The idea of insanity in horror films is very useful. While giving limitless options it also allows for reasonless killings. But while reasonless it must also be reasonable.

I can handle not knowing who is the killer, but I still need to be able to have a plazable understanding of how they could be the killer. You can’t just throw me a, it was them all along, with no possible explanation of how it was possible.

Sweet Insanity from the get go was insanely weak. It hurt to watch the, saved by the bell, beginning credits. The plus is that there is alot of beer drinking.

Here is what I would do to improve this movie:

Add a nude scene

Incorporate some sort of insanity

Actually show when someone gets stabbed

Don’t show an aggressive saw trimmer at the beginning to never be used in some sort of blood fest

Provide random clues through out the movie helping show who may and may not be the killer but also who is not… if you follow me

Drink of choice is miller high life

Maybe better off just getting the beer.

-Drunk Rant

Screen Shot 2013-10-10 at 10.52.40 PM

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