Six on Saturday – Fun Things

The weekly garden tour commences now. So many tropicals coming to life with the onset of the rainy season in South Florida. It has been stormy all week and the first named tropical storm of the year appeared in The Gulf of Mexico this week – Arlene. The storm is a long way from here and set to wind down into a tropical depression before making landfall in Cuba with a lot of rain. The first thing I spied when powering up the computer this morning was a Coastal Flood Watch; rainy season is definitely here.

To see more SOS garden tours, visit Jim at

The Frangipani hedges are flowering. This is Bridal Bouquet Plumeria (Plumeria pudica). I have these in front of wood fences that aren’t so pretty. They are columnar plants about 8 feet tall and 2-3 feet wide. These are unusual as they are semi evergreen.

The Frangipani hedge with a Java White Copperleaf shrub accent.

A psychedelic Aucuba? No, this is a Pie Crust Croton. Named as the edges of the leaves are crimped like – pie crust. New growth is yellow and will mature into a mostly red and black shrub later in the season.

In the above image you can see a bit of an orange flowering shrub – this is a Dwarf Red Ixora, a butterfly nectar source. I let the larval host plant, Corkystem Passionflower, a vine, ramble through the shrubs for the Zebra Longwing butterflies to lay eggs on. This is the first caterpillar I have spotted this season, though the butterflies have been out in force.

I am finally picking a few mangoes. They are delicious. The lower mango is a condo mango, Pickering. The others, Glenn Mango, a big tree. Condo mangoes are usually less than 6 feet tall.

And just for fun, a gift from my friend Lu. Gardening socks!

That is all from the moist South Florida. Thanks to Jim for hosting and…

Happy Gardening!!

25 comments on “Six on Saturday – Fun Things

  1. fredgardener says:

    Impressive caterpillar! And I bet the plumeria smells wonderful. I can’t wait to see the flower buds of mine

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Chloris says:

    I am always envious of your Frangipani and how fabulous to have a hedge of it. And having your own mangoes must be wonderful. Love the socks!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Crotons are wonderful. When I lived in Central FL, we had several of various types. Here, where I live now, crotons are sometimes available as a houseplant! But even though I loved it, it died on me! 😦 Great selection of items!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I thought about you when I heard about the TD and now that I know you live on the Atlantic side I have a better idea about your weather. It looks like your garden is coming alive in the heat. My heat lovers are coming up, but soon the others will take a summer siesta.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Eliza Waters says:

    A wonderful six this week. Glad your mangoes made it, safe from critters. I bought a box of mangoes at our wholesale club this week for a bargain, so cut them up for freezing. They’ll be a delicious treat out of season.
    Love the vibrancy of that croton, it’s awesome!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Eliza. The critters are eating them! Rabbits I think, some are very low. Glad you got some mangoes, I will probably be freezing some too, it is surprising how well they freeze. Crotons are mad things.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Sarah Rajkotwala says:

    Amazing frangipani! Love those socks! My daughters bought me a notebook, on it written ‘Plant Hoarder’, which is kind of apt!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. tonytomeo says:

    Cool mangoes! That is so rad that you can grow them.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I love it all, but am especially intrigued by the Pie Crust Croton. Such pretty colors and what a FUN texture.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Cathy says:

    Beautiful flowers and foliage, and a great shot of your caterpillar. The Pie Crust Croton certainly provides some fantastic colour. Does it flower too? Enjoy the mangoes! (I am so envious, but then I will be harvesting strawberries soon, so can’t complain!)

    Liked by 1 person

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