Victoria General Hospital Green Spaces

Victoria General Hospital labrynthVictoria General Hospital Garry oak knoll

The green spaces around Victoria General Hospital include a couple of garden and forested areas for the enjoyment of the staff, residents and visitors of the hospital. These outdoor areas offer a variety of walks in your backyard. A rough seventy meter footpath from the junction of Helmcken Road and Watkiss Way leads to the staff parking area. This sloped area is covered by grasses, blackberries and small shrubs although a willow tree and a few Garry oak trees can be found. Rabbits can often be seen hopping along the small creek, called Hospital Creek, seen below the helicopter landing platform and emergency entrance roadway from Watkiss Way. This grassland area has several shrubs and trees along the riparian area of the creek. A small landscaped garden and labyrinth are located near the parking area near the hospital’s north tower and west of the helicopter landing site. There are several benches in this sanctuary with views to the forest. Walking this classical labyrinth increases well-being by creating relaxation. Nestled right between the north and west towers of the hospital is a rocky knoll capped with several Garry oak trees. A concrete sidewalk, with several sets of stairs, traces the exterior of the building which partially enclose this rocky knoll. The pathway is about a hundred and twenty meters in length. A forested area, near the Hospital Way parking area is in Saanich. This forest is proposed as Watkiss Way Park and is described in the Saanich section of Walks in your Backyard. A rough trail runs through the Douglas fir and Garry oak forest in this proposed parkland and offers a wonderful respite from a visit to the hospital. The main entrance for the hospital, off Hospital Way, has landscaped garden beds with rhododendrons and a few low maintenance shrubs. Further along Hospital Way is the garden associated with the residential multiplex of the Children’s Health Foundation of Vancouver Island, known as Janeece Place. There is a perimeter walkway made of bricks that is lined with flower beds, small water feature and several benches. The building is on the southeastern edge of the property for the hospital. There is a fenced garden area, off the staff parking area, with play structures, a barbeque, trellis and shaded areas for families whom temporarily reside here. This area has limited access. Stoneridge Wetland Park, Game Road Park, Aldersmith Park, Eagle Ridge Elementary School Green Space, Conrad Street Green Space, Knockan Hill Park, Tawny Park and Welland Legacy Park are nearby as is Chancellor Park and Eagle Pacific Park.


Geographic location N48° 28 2” W123° 26’ 1”


You can get to Victoria General from the Trans Canada Highway (Hwy1). Exit using Helmcken Road (Exit#8) and then turn left onto Watkiss Way. The first left is to the emergency entrance and staff parking area while the main entrance can be accessed from Hospital Way, the next left off Watkiss Way. The parking area is monitored and requires payment. City buses travel to the hospital using Watkiss and Hospital Way.

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