Littlewood – Glamorgan – Munro Trail

A beautiful forest green space with gravel connect the three hundred and fifty meter distance between Glamorgan and Munro roads in North Saanich. This pathway is well used by hikers dog walkers, cyclists and equestrians. The trail is bordered by coniferous and deciduous trees. This pathway provides a good way to stretch your legs from being at the Free Ride Bike Park or to extend a trip around the Flight Path that circles the Victoria International Airport.

Geographic coordinates  N48° 39′ 38″ W123° 25′ 50″ at Littlewood and Glamorgan

You can get to Littlewood – Galmorgan -Munro Trail from Pat Bay Highway.  Follow the highway out to Sidney and turn left at Beacon Avenue and continue as the road curves to become McDonald Park Road. At the intersection turn left onto Mills Road and continue to Littlewood Road. Turn right onto Littlewood Road and look for parking either at the Free Ride Bike Park of slightly further along the road. The trail is at the junction with Glamorgan Road. There is limited roadside parking along Glamorgan Road.

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