Highview Park North, North Saanich

This lovely park is a wildlife forest with cedar, Douglas-fir and cottonwood on its slopes.   The trails in this parkland are discrete which encourages you to be as well. The view from the rocky terrain is though the trees yet you can see Mount Taum on Saltspring Island and the surrounding waters of the Salish Sea. This is a quiet peaceful neighborhood park to include in your walks in your backyard. The added bonus with this parkland is that it is one of three parks near the summit of Cloake Hill. The other two are Highview Park South and Sycamore Park.

Geographic coordinates  N48° 41′ 28″ W123° 27′ 2″

You can get to Highview Park North from Pat Bay Highway.  Before you reach ferry terminal follow the signs that lead to Lands End Road.  Cross over the overpass and continue on Lands End Road to West Saanich Road. Turn onto West Saanich Road then left, almost immediately, onto Readings Drive. Continue up the hill of Readings Drive to reach Sycamore Drive. Follow Sycamore Drive up the hill to reach  Hickory Drive.  Turn right to go up to the hill to the junction of Highview Place and Westview Place. The park is on the corner of Highview and Westview places. There is limited roadside parking.

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