Steward Mountain Road Park

This is a natural park located behind properties along Steward Mountain Road. The rough trail in the easement between private properties is obscure. The trail is narrow and irregular yet the surroundings are peaceful, exactly what you would expect as you stroll the rural areas of the Highlands. Enjoy the large sword ferns, towering cedar and Douglas-fir trees. The terrain is moss covered so be aware of where you step. The park covers almost twenty hectares and the trail connects to the northern areas of Thetis Lake Park that is the Steward Mountain and Scafe Hill trails.

You can get to Stewart Mountain Road Park from Highway One. Turn left at Exit 14 onto Millstream Road. Stay on this road,heading northward, until you reach Steward Mountain Road, which is just after the hydropower transmission towers and lines. Turn right onto Steward Mountain Road and follow the curves in the road looking for the homes’ number 652 and 636 to locate the trail. There is limited road side parking. If you continue to the end of this road you reach the Thetis Lake – Stewart Mountain trailheads.

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