Rex Ish Post 88 News

Commander’s Corner for July.

American Legion Logo


Let me be the first to congratulate all of our newly elected Post Officers for 2014-2015. I’m honored to serve the Post as your Commander, This will be my fourth year.

Welcome to our newly elected officers:

1st Vice Commander: Leslie Cruz

2nd Vice Commander: John Haggstrom

Finance Officer: Bob Russell

Chaplain: Earl Hamilton

Sgt-at Arms: Dan Belew

Service Officer: Roy Hedstrom.

Our Post initiative dinner and installing of officer’s is on the 1st of July, the first Tuesday in July. Please bring your guest and family to see your newly elected officers installed into office.

The American Legion , VTW and DAV all plan to participate in the 4th of July Parade in downtown Turlock. The VFW Commander is driving a trailer with hay bales of hay so we can sit and ride, just wear your post hat.

The Post will be closed most of the month of July for the Fair. Tuesday the 22nd will be our only meeting this month, please all auxiliaries come and make a report.

Commander, Wardee Bruce 209-485-2297