Books, Babes, and the Business: Jaime Johnesee

Celebrating Women in Fiction

blog header cwifJaime Johnesee

Please tell us a little bit about yourself… (would you describe yourself primarily as a writer, publisher, editor, artist, radio talk show host…)

JJ: I’m an author who was a zookeeper and has the luck of a cursed zombie accidentally shambling into a necrophiliac convention.

Do you focus on a specific genre with your work?

JJ: Nope. I don’t think I could limit my muse if I wanted to, she has some brilliant ideas.

Do you/Would you ever write under a male pseudonym? Why or why not?

JJ: Nope. I never really thought about it. I guess just because I am who I am and if someone doesn’t like my work just because of my uterus… well, then I wouldn’t want them to have it anyway.

Name a few of your favorite books/authors you’ve read recently:

JJ: Bill Naylor’s The Misadventures of a Zoo Keeper is one that was absolutely brilliant. It’s the best zoo keeper memoir I’ve read yet, and I’ve read a lot of them. As for horror, you can’t beat Strings by Allison M Dickson and Ricky Cooper’s Designated: Infected was extremely well done. I also loved The Murdered Metatron by James Glass and Colt Coltrane: The Lotus Killer by Allison M. Dickson. Laurie Ricard’s Rowan’s End is one I am reading now. Of course you can’t go wrong with anything by Lori R Lopez or Leigh M Lane.

Who has been the most influential female in your personal life and how have they shaped your work?

JJ: Honestly it has to be Lisa Lane who writes horror as Leigh M Lane. She read my novella Shifters and messaged me that she loved it but it needed a lot of editing. She said she didn’t want to review it until I had a chance to clean it up. She’s been a godsend ever since teaching me grammar and helping me clean my work.

If you could give your younger self one piece of advice relating to the business what would it be?

JJ: Don’t ever even think of giving up. You are good enough and you will make it. I’d also tell me to have more confidence in myself. (People didn’t start taking me seriously until I started realizing I am good at this and I’m only going to get better.)

Do you have a current project or upcoming project you would like to tell us about?

JJ: Well I am working on rewrites for a novel called Holly Andrews. I’m really excited about this one as it does contain my favorite zombie, Bob.

Where can we find you?

bob cover jj


jj picJaime Johnesee worked as a zookeeper for fourteen years before deciding to focus on her passion of writing. Her decision has proven to be a good one, as her books have been received with critical acclaim. Although her initial foray into the literary world has been marked by success, Jaime has just begun and is a force to be reckoned with in the years to come.

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