In A Vase on Monday: Forsythia

IMG_4350Cathy at Rambling in the Garden has issued an In a Vase on Monday Weekly Challenge to create a vase from things we’ve gathered from our own garden. I first heard about it from friend and fellow blogger Elizabeth at A Forest Garden.  Cathy writes:

“You would be most welcome to join me and others in posting a vase every Monday or just once in a while. The spirit of the meme is to find material in your own garden or foraged locally to place in a container – but it is after all a personal challenge so there are no strict rules.”

IMG_4349Living in New England, my garden is still sleeping under a couple feet of snow, so pickings are few and far between. However, I clipped a few sprigs of forsythia from the edge of the garden last week and brought them in to force. It always lifts my spirits to see their pendulous golden bells. With our spring still months away, it’s fun to cheat just a little.IMG_4351

About Eliza Waters

Gardener, writer, photographer, naturalist
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35 Responses to In A Vase on Monday: Forsythia

  1. Sue Vincent says:

    Oh that’s spring on her way! 🙂

  2. ladyfi says:

    Gorgeous yellow bells!

  3. Heather says:

    I was wondering how on earth you came up with forsythia. But now it all makes sense 🙂 If I didn’t have cats who eat every plant I’ve ever had indoors, I’d give this a try too!

  4. Cathy says:

    Great minds think alike! The colour yellow really does lift the spirits when the world outside is grey and white. 🙂

  5. Kathy Sturr says:

    Oh, so pretty! Even though I am a native plant advocate, I still keep Forsythia just for this! (But now it doesn’t matter so much.) How cheerful to see that sunny yellow Eliza!

  6. Cathy says:

    Not cheating at all – and one thing we have learned from this meme is that forsythia and many other ‘woody’ shrubs are quite happy being cut in bud and will flower in due course when brought inside and put in a vase. It must feel like a real harbinger when you have all that snow! The actual vase that it is in is beautiful, by the way. Thanks for joining in and hopefully we will see you again soon.

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Thank you, Cathy, for the warm welcome. That vase is one of my favorites, one of a kind, bought from a potter up in the hills of New Hampshire over 30 years ago. You might be seeing it again in another post!

  7. Eliza, your vase of Forsythia is smile inducing! So pretty, and I’m so happy to see you joined in with a Monday Vase with your garden still under feet of snow! You have found the spirit of spring in the midst of winter 😉 Giant hugs! WG

  8. Yeah, definitely spring is around the corner. 🙂

  9. Christina says:

    I don’t think bringing in branches to force into bloom is cheating and you need something to keep you going until spring arrives.

  10. I love forcing spring branches too. Such a great way to turn the tables on Ol’ Man Winter. Very pretty little arrangement.

    • Eliza Waters says:

      Thank you, Barbara. Makes me long to get my hands on some of what my garden is capable of producing. Waiting!

      • I know! We got a bunch of snow by Virginia standards yesterday and as I was shoveling today and looking at my garden beds, I marveled at the idea that there is hosta under this. And day lilies! Isn’t it just marvelous to contemplate? Think how much you are going to LOVE this spring. It will be like none other.

      • Eliza Waters says:

        So true… absence makes the heart grow fonder! I’ve been dreaming of lilacs and peonies. 🙂

  11. Robbie says:

    WOW-that is in your garden-amazing. Mine is snow covered and not doing anything. single digits out there still!I am taking it out this year to give my Stella Cherry tree a bit more space when she ( hopefully soon) gives us cherries!

  12. mk says:

    Beautiful photos, Eliza. And what a charming and encouraging idea for a weekly post, especially for people living in snow country. Hats off to the challenger.

  13. Robin says:

    Simply beautiful. How wonderful to have an advance bit of spring to help see you through the rest of winter. 🙂 You’ve reminded me that we don’t have forsythia here on the ranch, and I’d like to plant some this year.

    • Eliza Waters says:

      I know forsythia is a common plant, but its early blooms make it a must in my garden. It is in an overgrown corner, rather neglected, but its main purpose for me is for forcing. It fits the bill!

  14. bkpyett says:

    The perfume is so exotic, beautiful memories are stirred! ❤

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