Thank you once again!

Thank you, Diana, for including me in your WordPress blog family! I am touched by your nomination and am honoured to accept it.


I followed the link included in Diana’s post to the post by the creator of the award, Shaun Gibson, and very much like the concept of the award – the WordPress family. While my blogging experience on WordPress is relatively new, compared to my blogging experience on other blogging platforms, I certainly feel that the WordPress blogging community is warmer, friendly and encouraging.

Therefore, I would like to thank all the readers of this blog for stopping by to browse through the recipes. Thank you especially for the feedback you leave behind – your ‘likes’ , comments and emails. I do enjoy these interactions and I hope you enjoy the recipes you try from this blog!

In keeping with the spirit of this award, I would like to nominate some of the blogs I subscribe to and enjoy reading for both the content and the way the lovely personalities of the bloggers behind these blogs shine through.

and of course, Little Bits of Nice

I will be taking a blogging break for the rest of the month except for perhaps a Christmas guest post and a couple of long-pending posts on my other WordPress blog – Tales from Sri Lanka. So, I wish you a Merry Christmas (all those who celebrate or enjoy the spirit of Christmas) and Happy holidays (everyone else)!  See you in the New Year!

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