365 Days of Design – Day 9

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Started off with a water color painted version of just a random blob of paint with some colors blending together, then the next version (posted in an earlier on my blog) I slipped in a face.

I came back to this picture because I really liked the colors and thought it would look interesting for some low poly art :) This type of work takes a bit of time to do but the results are definitely rewarding in the end. A lot of this type of art you’ll find would be done in 3D programs so you can get an all around view of the object but the same look can easily be achieved in Illustrator and Photoshop if you’re just looking for a still image. You can find other cool low poly art from the link below:

Here’s a progress shot:

Just made a few swatches and adjusted the colors a bit lighter or darker for each new triangle.


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