07.07.2013 – Balance


In order to change, you have to know what you want. This means setting and prioritizing goals, narrowing your scope on the world just a bit, cutting out extras, and being disciplined enough to adhere to a plan.  All too often I see people ruled more by emotion rather than logic. Such imbalance spreads you thin and hinders your progress. Logic can be difficult, boring, and cumbersome, but it is what makes up reality, which is inescapable.

Now, I’m not saying you should make an effort to suppress your emotions because you need heart to achieve anything worthwhile. It’s the proper balance of emotion and logic that must be sought after. This is the tell of someone who has good control of their life. Ambivalence is the opposite.

I’ve had similar discussions with some clients who struggle to find good eating habits and workout habits. It’s a long learning process and it forces you to learn the big picture of your life and how all the pieces fit together. Be willing to learn and ask for help. If quality of life is important to you, then a commitment to this shouldn’t be a problem.


Food log – burger and fries, white rice, ground turkey, eggs, milk,…

Rest day

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