Pastor Wrinkles: The Lenten Journey Pt. 18

As Joyce Meyers says, “The battlefield is the mind.”

If we can win the battle in the mind then we will win the battle.  So today’s question for meditation:

What way of thinking do you want God to change in you?  I have already addressed this in previous posts ( the” I can’t do it mindset”) so perhaps a good use of time tonight will be to address how God changes our hearts and minds. The word of God says:

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer
your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true
and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing
of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his
good, pleasing and perfect will.” Rom. 12:1,2 NIV

We humans have a need to consistently re-present ourselves to God in a mind-set of sacrificial living. We must constantly ask ourselves, “What area of this life needs to be given for love of Jesus.”

Such sacrifices always seem costly at the moment but as Jesus said, ” everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or property, for my sake, will receive a hundred times as much in
return and will inherit eternal life.” MA 19:29 NLT

The sacrifice will drive us into prayer and study of the Word, It will bring us out of the pathway that conforms with the world’s understanding.  Our way will  no longer follow the patterns of our upbringing, our families or our friends where those patterns come into conflict with the rightly divided Word of truth.

Through this season of Lent I feel my heart being prepared by God to walk in His miracles. I feel like He has given me a story larger than myself to live in, a story many others may struggle to believe. He is changing me so that I can live in the larger story.

How is God enlarging your story this year?

6 thoughts on “Pastor Wrinkles: The Lenten Journey Pt. 18

  1. Going back to work on my novel–expecting the extraordinary, God’s super-abundant grace; I’m just the pen, the results are His–which takes all the pressure off, and multiplies the joy.

  2. He is preparing my heart for the miracles He has promised me. Life as I know it will change and many will have an earthly explanation but I know it is all my Lord and Savior. I can’t wait to testify to His all deserving Glory!!! A-men and A-men!!!

  3. >> How is God enlarging your story this year?
    Well, I would expect, that as I approach being an octogenarian, He would start to decrease my story. Isn’t that what usually happens? Well, I guess my story is decreasing in some ways. I am slower than I was. I am not as physically ACTIVE as I was . . .
    . . . BUT . . .
    it seems that my story IS being enlarged. It seems new doors and ministries – more suitable to my present circumstances – keep opening and God keeps leading and blessing. He keeps surprising me.

    Psalm 92:14 They shall still bring forth fruit in old age.

    • It is so true Angela and yet I believe that your age and slowing down is just a momentary aside. Soon you shall have the eternal body that shall accomplish great works of worship in the next age!

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