Where Mobile Users See Ads

Last week, we posted information on the mobile functions that consumers use most. Knowing the activities that potential customers engage in on their mobile devices can help you create more effective campaigns and help you develop more engaging tactics. Today, we’ll look into the places people tend to see ads on their mobile devices.

shutterstock_111684566● Over 80% of adults said they have noticed ads on their smart phones and tablets
● Nearly 60% said they saw advertising in apps that they regularly use
● One in three reported that they noticed ads on video websites
● 26% said that they saw an ad while visiting a retailer’s site

What This Means To You

Consumers are conscious of advertising across all the platforms they utilize. For the most part, they don’t find advertising content intrusive. Noticing an ad is the first step towards recall and purchase intent. If a consumer didn’t notice ads, it could be a tree falling in the forest situation.
Inside apps is the place where a majority of consumers notice ads. Also, it’s a great place to reach a targeted consumer. Targeting could take place through demographic, lifestyle, or purchase behaviors. If you are interested in promoting your brand inside apps, go beyond apps that are just product based. If your brand is in the health marketplace, don’t just investigate health related apps. Are the majority of your customers women, look at apps that are target towards content for women. Are you at a price point that would be more likely put your product in the hands of affluent consumers, look for apps that are targeted toward professionals. Targeting can take place on many levels, the key is make the ad relevant to the audience. The more relevant it is with prospective shoppers, the more likely they will be to use your product. The same argument for relevance can be made with prefill video on video websites. Look for opportunities to target via video categories.
For more information on finding your target audiences and the most effective ways to put your message in from of them, please contact:

Al Fiala

Sources: Decision Fuel; eMarketer

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