Friday (Thursday) Letter, 7-28-16

Welcome to the end of July.

Last week (when I didn’t write a weekly blog), I entertained myself with the rest of the presidents at our “summer retreat”. It was a working retreat, for sure.  Our time was spent determining the system’s legislative message, thinking about the system moving into BA and BS degrees, and interacting with WSU and UW.  I’ll give a brief synopsis of each of those areas.

Our Message: We have often approached the legislature with multiple requests, demands, and priorities.  We have simplified those messages down to ONE:  If the legislature wants the CTC system to produce more degree/certificate holders, then we need more money.  That’s it.  Nothing else.  The legislature has told us that they want about 25,000 more degree/certificate holders per year.  We simply can’t do that without the money to recruit, teach and support those students to completion.

Bachelor’s Degrees: Besides the Applied degrees, the system is holding off on endorsing the idea that we want to have authority to deliver ALL BS and BA degrees. This is a shift from spring.  We don’t think this desire is achievable without the above message being heard and acted on.  We’re still considering this, but I think this is where the system is headed.  Bellevue is an outlier in this realm and may continue to pursue this authority autonomously.

UW and WSU: We were hosted at a dinner by the WSU president on Wednesday and by the UW president on Thursday.  I would consider them both as allies to the CTC system.  There is a new era of collaboration with the new leadership at both institutions and I think we have momentum to work together with the legislature.

Back to the home campus…let me congratulate our team. We received this message this week:

The Cascadia College grant proposal, Student Led Solutions to Stormwater Pollution, has been approved for funding in the amount of $18,500.

Jodie G, John vL, Erik T, and Mark C all had roles in this. Congrats to them and to our students in getting this grant.

Please note that the Bothell Block Party to support those impacted by the Great Bothell Fire of 2016 happens tonight from 4-8 on Main Street. I hope you have a chance to stop by and support our neighbors.  I’ll be at the ticket selling/donation booth.  Stop by and say HI.

I hope you have a great weekend.

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