My First Blogger Award in English

Long time not writing in English -I´m sorry about that- but here I am full of positive energy and joy that I want to share with you!  If you have been  following me for a while you may know that in the blogging world there are some awards which are given from blogger to blogger and I have had the honor of being nominated for a few of them already. This weekend I got the nice surprise of being nominated to The Sunshine Award by the blog Expatsincebirth. I would like to thank Ute for her kindness and let  her know that I really appreciate her nomination.

Expatsincebirth is a remarkable blog about expat life with children, living abroad and multicultural-multilingual education. You don´t need to be an expat yourself to enjoy her articles. Even if you are not living abroad you can and peep into Ute´s exciting life and learn some interesting stuff about Netherlands (she is living there at the moment) or about any other topic she writes about.

The Sunshine Award  is given to those who write positive and inspiring articles and bringing some sunshine into the life of others. Thank you very much for the honor again.   Like any blogging award this one has its own rules and requirements:

  • Link back the blog who nominated you.
  • Post the award images in your blog.
  • Tell seven facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 5 to 10 blogs and let them know about it.

Sunshine Award

Seven facts about myself:

  1. I´m an early bird and I never feel well if I sleep more than 7 hours.
  2. I always listen to music when I am cooking.
  3. I am addict to adrenaline so I need to be always on the move.
  4. I always struggle when meeting new people (I tend to feel intimidated by groups of people).
  5. I can´t  go to bed if the dishes are not done.
  6. I prefer the sea than any other holiday scenario.
  7. I love dogs but I don´t have one right now.

My nominates blogs are:

The Head of the Heard

The European Mama

Asturian Diary


Mud Hut Mama

All Done Monkey

World Traveling Family

Creative World of Varya

Congratulations to you all. If you are not a blogger but a good reader, take some minutes and have a  look at these blogs, you may find something amazing waiting to be discovered. Good day to you all!


3 comentarios en “My First Blogger Award in English

  1. Pingback: The Sunshine Award | The Head of the Heard

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