Book review – Chris Webb – Power Query for Power BI and Excel

It has been a while since my last blog post due to relocating overseas. It has been quite busy and a lot of new things to learn but worth all the effort.

When I saw the opportunity to review the book I jumped at it for multiple reasons. The first is that whilst I had dabbled with Power Query, I didn’t have any real reason to apply it to the current business I was in. Also being written by Chris Webb, having read some of his other books I knew that I could learn a lot in a short space of time.

Even though the book looked quite long I read through the entire book within days. I really enjoyed the format of the book, building on each chapter so that you could apply what you have learnt to the next section you are reading.

I also was very happy that there were so many pictures shown throughout the book. I often find that some books don’t have enough pictures which makes it that little bit harder to apply what is being shown. This book did an amazing job at showing almost every step.

Before reading this book, I had tried some M language and to be honest I was totally lost. But after going through chapter on the M language, I now can say that I now know the basics and feel confident to use it on a daily basis. I have to say hats off to Chris for piecing it all together and in such a way that makes it easy to understand.

Finally the recipe section was great, it is good to have some real-world working examples to go through which I will definitely use in the future.

So if you are using Excel and enjoy playing with data, as well as wanting to learn more about Power Query then this is the perfect book to start with. I would recommend this book to anyone also wanting to learn the M language. It is truly not only a great read but also something you can reference going forward.

Edit: I forgot to put where you can get it from here is the link:
Power Query for Power BI and Excel – Chris Webb

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