Day Three on the ICW


Monday night I crawled into my berth in Watermark’s forward cabin, tired and lulled to sleep by the gentle slap of wavelets against the hull.  But this was just a rest before the midnight shift, when we needed to get ready for the passage through The Great Bridge Locks.  We arrived an hour early and anchored in the narrow channel to wait for the lock door to open. 

Our hopes for a routine lock-through evaporated when a pair of tugboats towing 600 feet of pipe as well as a small barge joined us in the eye of the needle at the lock’s entrance.

Amid lots of chatter on the radio, the lock mistress sardined eight recreational yachts and the tugs into the lock and closed the door behind us.  It was well after two a.m. before we were through. 

Next morning the crew was up, and at ’em intent on logging a hundred miles for the day.  The day, sunny and warm, promised a good run.  The ship’s diesels, throbbing their happy murmurs, marched us into the wilderness of the Carolina waterway.   Edges of the channel are lined with the wreckage of the battle between the waterway and the forest.



We steered southward, staying in the narrow channel, well-marked with navigational aids, many of which do double duty as condos for ospreys.

Osprey nest

The Watermark galley continues to put out five-star food. 

Pancakes and bluberries

The pancake and fresh blueberry breakfast was exceeded by the mid-afternoon snack: chocolate muffins flushed out of their hiding place in the ship’s oven.

chocolate muffins


About allevenson

Writer (of stories, journals, email dialogues), Reader (of books written by friends, recommended by friends, and works-in-progress of friends), Hiker (never met a trailhead I didn't like), Biker (more scenery for the buck than hiking) and lately, Blogger (about my Year on the Road at
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4 Responses to Day Three on the ICW

  1. David L says:

    Like those northeastern blue berries – firm and tasty. When in Canada, I was the picker while a couple of old ladies took care of the rest. Umm good and fresh bass for breakfast along side.

    Smooth sailing in front, I imagine.

  2. Karen Goucher says:

    Wonderful description – feels like one is along for the trip. I remember all those locks I used
    to go through in my childhood in a awkward houseboat – 1000 islands, Canada.

  3. Colleen Rae says:

    Lovely photos…great description – Like Karen said, feels like you take us along on the trip.
    Looks like good food too.

  4. Colleen Rae says:

    Nice writing too…throbbing their happy murmurs from the diesal engine. Never thought one could describe a diesel engine sensually…..

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