Our ancestors are alive, influencing us

Go back, to the Past

If we have to go to the past, then what is the past? Who are we?

Do we really die? Nobody dies.

What about my father who died? He is still alive. Even people who died thousand years back, they are still alive.

Science says that.

Where they are alive?

There are two worlds existing simultaneously. One is the physical world and another is the energy world.

Physically a person may die, but energy wise they don’t die.

How they are alive? They are alive as a person with all incomplete emotions, thoughts, beliefs and aspirations. Everything is incomplete and influencing the progeny.

Our ancestors are still influencing us in the energy world. Physically we don’t feel that, but energy wise, they are constantly influencing us.

What does that mean?

How this energy is transformed into physical body and mind? You may ask.

Every time, something happens between the physical world and the energy field, we keep them as memories inside our brain.

The brain knows how to keep it, has tools to remember it and to act from the past – the memory, influenced by the people who are dead.

It means we are not “we” as such. We are our parents. We are our ancestors.

If we are reacting in a particular way, then your mother (or father) also would have reacted in the same way.

So what we are going to do is, analyze the present problem, go back in your own life and go back to your mother’s life (or father’s life or both), and make them whole and complete, for they remain incomplete.

Unless, they are complete (past), we can’t be complete (future) either.

About Naran S Balakumar

Naran balakumar is a herbalist practising bach flower therapy for the last 21 years. Naran is a Reiki master teacher.

Posted on March 13, 2013, in Ancestors, Parents and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. Dear Saint , Thanks for the nice enriching words . Your articles are very very thought provoking , after reading them whole day I think and apply on me . I could find changes , Words thank you is not enough for you .

    When I read article on our ancestors . I got a question which was ringing in my mind . In Hindu culture we believe in rebirth ,
    My query is, hopefully our ancestors would have being born again , we are sending reiki and gratuide , tarpanams to them . Who receives them if they had a rebirth . If they had an rebirth do they influence us .

    I thank you humbly for reading and caring to reply .

    Hoping you shower your articles .


    • Raju,
      Do not bother about the receiver. Think about the giver. When you give tharpanam or Reiki, you are thanking your ancestors through those methods. Thanks and attitude of gratitude alone move the world. You are born through your parents. By thanking them, You thank the Divine who is unseen life giver behind every birth. While thanking your parents, you serve yourself better. You cannot offer anything to the Divine direct. A medium is necessary; here the parents are the medium. Continue. continue please, without any doubt. Divine(shivam) fills you with sathyam and you become sundaram.

  2. Dear Sir,
    My daughter gets high grade fever and it reaches 104 deg and above. I feel my daughter as my mother , as my mother died of cancer and suffered a lot. I am really sorry as i could not take care of her when she was not well due to circumstances. I sometimes feel my mother is born as my daughter and she wants that love care affection and attention which she missed out. Me and my husband sit the whole night take care of her and she is fine . Sir i dont want my mother to suffer again and again sir . kindly let me know how to heal my mother so that i can heal my daughter. My mother already suffered a lot in her past life and now again, I am with my mother now i want her to be healthy and i really want to give her all happiness and education and good life filled with joy which she missed . Kindly support me sir with mantra or healing technique . i am a reiki healer sir.Kindly let me know is my belife right or not

    Kindly help me sir.
    I am already chanting
    OM Hreem Thah when she is down with fever, and kunjika padham sharanyam when her temperature raises or when i am tensed alot.


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