A Golden Request

I have no desire of ever attending a Super Bowl but I do have a goal of going to each major award show at least once in my lifetime.  And the Golden Globes are the ones I seek to attend next!  There’s one major problem though…tickets are not made available to the public and I do not hold any kind of press credentials for red carpet reporting. 😉

I’ve learned that you can’t assume that others know what you want.  You have to ask.  I’m asking.  Can you send my sister and I to the Golden Globes this year?

In a time when our country’s worried about issues of immediate significance like falling off a fiscal cliff, hurricanes and disease it’s understandable that this request is abnormal.  I stand behind the belief that the creative arts can heal.  That they offer us the opportunity to reflect upon our own lives and perhaps re-examine our beliefs and/or choices.  I celebrate the entertainment industry and all the hard work from those either in front of or behind the camera.

I grew up thinking that my affection for the entertainment industry was an insignificant and frivolous hobby.  One that wouldn’t lead to a proper destination for my focus and energy.  Yet during times of immense personal struggle it was art that got me through.  And I do not doubt that there are other young girls and boys out there who have a deep love for film, television, music or theatre but that they are told to put those interests secondary in their lives.

It would be an incredible honor for me to have the opportunity to say “Thank You” to those who’ve brought these films and TV shows to fruition.  To stand on the red carpet and ask Tom Hooper why he selected Les Miserables as the musical he wanted to adapt to the big screen.  To congratulate Julian Fellowes on the success of Downton Abbey; a dramatic series that has depth, warmth and regality.  To share in the excitement of Smash’s nomination as it’s well-deserved and hopefully the first of many accolades.

When I’ve had the opportunity to meet actors, writers or other entertainment professionals I’ve chosen to use the chance to say “Thank You” and “Your work meant something to me.”  To separate the performer from the character because in doing so you pay tribute to the passion of a fellow artist.

If  you are able to send my sister and I to the Golden Globes this January, whether as red carpet reporters or sitting in the bleachers, the experience is bound to prompt some interesting blog posts from this fan’s perspective.  Thank you for your time and your consideration!

All the best,

Kelly Deeny

*For more information on the Golden Globe Awards and the nominees mentioned above please visit their websites listed below.*





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