I Scream No Sugar Peach Ice Cream


January 3, 2013 by mickeydownunder


“I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream Ice Cream!” Well, at least I am “screaming” with excitement about not only HOW easy and healthy this recipe is to make, but on a very HOT day like today, this was the perfect no sugar snack to cool me! And have I mentioned, I LOVE peaches too?

My name is Joanne and I have never made Ice Cream! πŸ˜‰

When I saw No Sugar Homemade Peach Ice Cream*, I “knew” immediately, it was going “on the list” to be made at a future date too!

Do you tend to find summer recipes in winter and winter recipe in summer? I found this No Sugar Homemade Peach Ice Cream recipe
http://www.inspired-housewife.com/2012/07/17/no-sugar-homemade-peach-icecream/ on Amee’s Inspired-Housewife blog last winter on a “freezing” cold day and “knew” it would have to wait until it warmed for me to better enjoy this!

It was well worth the wait for ease and simplicity! I also loved the versatility and think this No Sugar Ice Cream* would be GREAT with blueberry, raspberry, strawberry, or even mandarin! (like found in my Mini Mandarin Meringue Moments Cupcakes) https://whatsonthelist.wordpress.com/2013/01/01/mini-mandarin-meringue-moments-cupcakes/ πŸ˜‰

When I was little, there was a little old Italian man who used to wheel his wooden cart with fresh fruit down the street. I always “wondered” why he never wheeled the cart UP the street, but that question will have to wait for another day! πŸ˜‰
As he “happily” wheeled his cart, he would YELL out singing “Peaches!! Get Your Fresh Peaches!” (true ;-)) And what a “beautiful” voice he had indeed too! Sometimes, even to this day, I can close my eyes and hear my Noninno sing!

Back to my story πŸ˜‰ I would go running out to him (so I wouldn’t miss him) and always “loved” the fresh fruit he sold; especially peaches! πŸ™‚

He and I would have the same “routine” every day! He would ask, “So how is my little peach today?” (I used to like the pet name; or should I say fruit name) People used to always comment about “how mature” I was for me age. I used to reply, “Thank you Noninno (Italian for “little grandfather”) and what fruit can you recommend today?” We both used to laugh at our routine, but he would not “allow” me to buy fruit until our ritual was done! I have to admit, it was really FUN! πŸ™‚

Ironically, he would always add, “So my little peach, would you like a peach today?” Then after picking “The best ones of course” (Nonnino used to say), he would always sneak an extra peach in the bag and send me on my way! πŸ™‚

4 medium sized peaches
1/3 cup coconut milk

NOTE: Can substitute full cream milk or almond milk. I think it tastes great with coconut milk! πŸ™‚

In a large pot, bring water to a boil. Add peaches; blanch in “boiling” water for 40 – 45 seconds.

Immediately remove and place in bowl of ice water. Allow to cool. (I did for about 30 minutes)

By blanching peaches, makes peeling the skin easier.
Do not blanch for more than 45 seconds. πŸ˜‰

Line a flat tray with baking paper.

Remove peaches from bowl, peel off skins; cut in slices lining baking tray. Place in freezer for 3 – 4 hours. (I did 3 as I couldn’t WAIT lol)

Place peaches in a blender; blend until minced. Add desired milk and blend until desired consistency!


If you could be any No Sugar Ice Cream flavor, what would you be?

Hopefully you can now hear Noninno’s singing “Peaches! Get Your Fresh Peaches” whimsically through me! πŸ˜‰


Did you know fruits that are lowest in sugar, have the highest nutritional value?

5 thoughts on “I Scream No Sugar Peach Ice Cream

  1. […] dish “spoke” out to me! Perhaps it was Nonnino in I Scream No Sugar Peach Ice Cream https://whatsonthelist.wordpress.com/2013/01/03/i-scream-no-sugar-peach-ice-cream/ who was suggesting in my mind I try! Did I mention Nonnino (Italian for β€œlittle grandfather”) […]

  2. What a sweet story! Such a darling memory Joanne! πŸ™‚

  3. Kim says:

    What a fantastic recipe, 2 ingredients, WOW. And, it looks absolutely fantastic. Besides … your story was great!! What a nice treat on a hot summer day

  4. Deb says:

    what a great recipe and I can see you just like Shirly Temple running up with a smile that would dim the sun

    • mickeydownunder1 says:

      OH NO!!! I can HEAR “It’s a Good Ship Lolly Pop” singing in my head now! πŸ˜‰
      Perhaps a “lollipop” concept might not have to been “on the list” lol lol
      Thanks Deb!! WHOO HOO!

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Joanne T. Ferguson

Passionate Home Cook who tries to inspire one recipe and one event at time!


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