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Half term 1

Today my twitter feed is full of tweets from people in Southampton, at the teaching and learning takeover event (#TLT14). The event seems to be going well, and I hope to catch up on the day later via blogs and/or videos, but currently my house us full of the sounds of nursery rhymes, so I thought now might be a good time to reflect on the first half term.

Way back in August I started a new role at a new school. I’d never moved schools before, and as such was stepping into an uncertain world. That first week we went back a week earlier than everyone else which at the time was a tad annoying but is now paying dividends as we are starting a two week break.

Starting a new school is tough going. There’s a ton of new stuff to learn, new acronyms, new systems, new policies, new names for things, new colleagues and, of course, new pupils. This overload of newness hits you like a train, and it took me a while to get my head round it all.

I’ve enjoyed the first half term. There have been challenges, but I’ve learned from them and I think they have made me better at my job. I like my new classes, I like my new colleagues and I like my new role. On top of that I feel that the school are investing in my development and I am really glad I made the move.

As well as moving schools, I’ve also moved authority, and am now teaching in Bradford. The school is part of “The Bradford Partnership” which is a non-profit organisation which is wholly owned by its members (ie the schools). The mission if the Partnership is to improve education for all young people in the city and I think it’s a great initiative. There are opportunities to meet colleagues from other schools regularly and to share ideas and best practice.

This first half term is always a tiring one, as is the next, so I’m glad I’ve got two weeks off to recharge the batteries. I just hope my bodyclock realises it is the holidays, and allows me to start sleeping in a bit!

Categories: Teaching Tags: , ,
  1. October 18, 2014 at 6:29 pm

    Enjoy your break Stephen!

    • October 18, 2014 at 7:08 pm

      Thanks Colleen, I will!

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