Big news in our family – something happy for a change

My boy and his girlfriend

My boy and his girlfriend

Yesterday I used a word I have never used before.

It was a word I prayed I would use one day.

Like, I really did pray to Jesus about using this word.

I remember praying with my son throughout the years

When I tucked him in at night or

During casual conversation in the family room and

Around the kitchen table before dinner

This word has always provoked a sense of wonder and anticipation in our boys.

My boy and his fiancée

On Sunday at a fancy restaurant in San Salvador, El Salvador, my oldest olive shoot, my Soldier, my West Point graduate, my Ranger, my Sugar Boy asked his beloved to marry him.

She said, “yes.”

So yesterday I no longer referred to Lu as Nate’s girlfriend

Around 4pm during a very serious meeting in Raleigh, the Hubs and I spoke about a very happy moment as we were talking about a very sad one

Then these words flew out like a butterfly in the sky,

“my son’s fiancée.”

The air in the room grew lighter for an instant

photo copyAnd I felt a smile in my heart

A fresh and joyful moment, most welcome and healing to my soul

Their love story is such an adventure, your heart will smile as well

That incredible day, the one we have prayed about for so many years has finally arrived

My son has a fiancée, I have a future daughter-in-love!

13 thoughts on “Big news in our family – something happy for a change

  1. I don’t even have words to say how happy this makes me. And to think of how they met… truly God’s hand at work! And as a daughter-in-law myself, it makes my heart happy for Lu to know she has someone who loves her so to be her MIL. Such sweet blessings for your whole family, and such a timely ray of light for you and Mark.

    • It’s pretty crazy, Jenn, to think of all the seasons of life we have seen each of us go through. Some wonderful, others extremely challenging! So excited for your new addition and the way the Lord is working! Thanks for the comment. I need a lot of advice on how to do the whole MIL thing well!

  2. I am so happy for you!! I love their LOVE story….and it all started with the Mama of 3 OS going on a mission trip to El Salvador 🙂 This is precious. Who would’a thought!? I love how GOD gave you the 1st opportunity to establish a relationship with LU – so far away….and your mama’s heart was calm b/c you had already grown to love her as a Sister in Christ before your boy even knew her! How different the journey may have been had you not had that sweet opportunity to be on mission for JESUS alongside her first! 😉 I know it would have been a bit different – – b/c speaking as a mama myself – we’re quite protective of our young-un’s (uh hum young adult offspring). She is beautiful and they make a lovely couple!! So happy for you all!!!

    • Thank you! Yes, it was never in my plans to look for my son’s future wife while in El Salvador! The story is so fun and interesting, although all love stories are when the Lord is planning them! When we said goodbye, it was so sad and then when my boy said he was falling in love, I was delighted and in shock! I’m excited about this new life adventure for our family!

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