Tablets Dominate Mobile Shopping

Mobile shopping activities are growing by leaps and bounds and tablets provide an excellent shopping experience for consumers.  New research has come out that chronicles how tablets are affecting e-commerce.     Knowing how active consumers are with tablets can certainly help your business expand its mobile shopping opportunities.

• Half of all mobile shopping activities take place on an iPad

• In the past 6 months mobile’s share of ecommerce has more than doubled

• The average order from a tablet is over 20% higher than ones from a standard computer and 50% higher than orders from a smart phone

• As a device, tablets are selling 13 times faster than PCs

• In 2015, over 326 million tablets are expected to be sold

• It’s estimated that one in three US adults will own a tablet by 2015

What Does This Mean To You?

Your business can benefit from tablet users.  Tablets give your merchandise a bigger screen than smart phones provide and offer added functionality.
We’ve posted many times on the importance of a mobile site.  Tablets don’t diminish the need for a  mobile site at all. You should talk to your developer and look into a tablet optimized site in addition to a mobile site.  This week we’ll be taking a deeper look at tablets, who uses them and the main ways they are being deployed.   For more information on how to get more results from your mobile offerings, please contact your Sun Sentinel representative or:
Julie Otto
Advertising Marketing Manager

Source: eMarketer;;;

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