Pick Your Polish

Left to Right: Merino Cool/Like Linen/Mint Candy Apple/Action/Camera/Coat Azure/Playdate/Good as Gold

About The CHICago Life Blog

A lifeSTYLE blog based in Chicago.
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10 Responses to Pick Your Polish

  1. Reblogged this on The Lipstick Gal and commented:
    I loved this break down on what the colors might mean. I love them all, and would wear them all. I hope this reblog makes you laugh.

  2. soniagazzelloni says:

    Gosh I got a gold nail polish two days ago! Maybe I want to get married…

  3. gossipfevers says:

    Reblogged this on Gossip Fever.

  4. Tweeted this post for the giveaway and liked CHICago Life on Facebook!

  5. Reblogged this on short is the new black and commented:
    Okay so I have a new obsession. I found a new blog that I love, AND they are from Chicago. This post is the perfect nail polish picker from The CHICago Life Blog. It was kind of fun following the lines to see which one I would be. I ended up with “Meet the Boys.”

    What do you think?

  6. skaytanik says:

    lol! Super cute chart, love it 🙂 might have to make my own with polishes I have lying around

  7. Irnbb says:

    This chart made me “lol” love it!

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