Vogue Jacket V1023

I set aside the Marfy 3177 coat to thing about it and started to work on a jacket based on the Vogue vintage pattern V1023 (OOP).

Vogue Jakcket V1023 - couture Red Point Tailor

I have a dark blue boiled wool in my fabric stash which I have bought few years ago to make this jacket.

Dark Blue boiled wool

First however I have checked the PatternReview as I remembered there were some issues with this pattern.

Fortunately all reviews were positive the only repeating remark was too short sleeves and the jackets.

I always trace the patterns to a paper tissue so I can always have an original pattern in case I want to make other size. I have noticed that I was missing some marking so first I have checked the traced pattern pieces.  Hmmmm, I did not like what have found out. There were quite differences between the original and the traced pattern pieces.

Lesson learned – if you trance pattern – check it first with original before cutting a fabric.

After this correction was done I have checked the sleeves – yes – they were too short. I have length the sleeves about 8 cm. I hope it will not destroy the proportions of this model.

You can see on this picture from VoguePatterns that the sleeves are a little short.

I then started to think of making the jacket a little longer… but in the end I decided to leave it as it is now – back length 66 cm. It will be great to wear with skirts and comfortable when sitting in the car.

So now… let’s cut the underlining first.

By Red Point Tailor

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12 thoughts on “Vogue Jacket V1023

  1. If you’re worried about the sleeve proportions you could also leave them at this length and wear the coat with long gloves. Beautiful fabric color!

  2. Nice jacket pattern, and it looks classy and comfy. The big cuffs are great. Did the sleeves come out short because the original pattern had “bracelet length” sleeves? (That’s a length between full-length and 3/4 length that was popular in the 50s/60s.) I agree on checking out the pattern. I usually force myself to make a muslin because I never know what will pop up in vintage patterns.

    1. I like this pattern very much – and yes, the sleeves are typical for 50s/60s ‘blacelet lenght’. Which gives this special look. I hope longer sleeves will still keep the proportion and style.
      I will use underlining – which I am cutting from cotton batiste – as muslin. If anything is wrong I still can correct it.

  3. I can’t wait to see your version of this jacket. I’m sure it will be amazing. Great colour of this fabric. And don’t change the length. I think it might spoil this pattern.

    1. If I would make ik longer I would make it longer fir about 20 cm. In such way the jacket would still keep good proportion. But I will keep the lengh as it is now. I hope longer sleeves would not destroy proportions.

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