Lake Erie Conservative

thoughtful discussion(s) about issue(s)

… No , You Idiot [#Chris Hayes is a Moron]…

Posted by paulfromwloh on Friday,April 18th,2014

.. it is because the Medicaid expansion is a bad deal for the states ‘ budgets …

.. [h/t — hotair]..
.. [link] to the blognews…

.. the states that refused to expand Medicaid do not trust the Federales to keep their end of the bargain , Chrissie ! … the states generally (with 2 or 3 exceptions) have balanced budget amendments . They have to balance their budgets every year . They also have to deal (first hand) with the ” Medicaid Monster ” and the effect on their state budget …

.. the Feds have supposedly made a promise . Yea , they have made those kind of promises before . Guess what happens ? They are not kept , and the states are left financially holding the bag for the ” unfunded mandates ” that the Feds stick them with …

.. eventually the Feds are going to get a financial reality check in dealing with ObamaCrapCare and its expenses . When the budget cutting comes , the effects of it are not going to be pretty . Worse yet , people are going to be screaming bloody murder over it , and the people who die as a result . Then there will political hell to pay for it . Guess who gets it ? not the GOP … you got it , the DemoCraps will catch hell …

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