Not much cleaning. But there was cooking!

Last night marked the start of Passover. Cue not being able to eat any and all bread products for the next week. It’s not as bad as it seems. Especially with how many grain and gluten free foods are available these days. Though I will say, having to eat like this all the time would stink. I don’t mean to offend anyone that has a gluten allergy or Celiac disease. But I don’t have either of those. Passover certainly gives me a taste of what it’s like to have them though!

Yes, I’m still working on my room. Yesterday didn’t lend itself to much cleaning however. I did manage to do about a 1/3 of the laundry that needed to be done and there’s another 1/3 in the dryer right now. And I’ll do the remainder when I get back from my knitting group.

So what was I doing yesterday? Well, other than the laundry, I had lunch with friends, then dropped off the finished test knit at the designers house (pictures to come when pattern is released), then I spend the afternoon cooking dinner for my mom and I’s seder dinner. We did a short seder, but we still did one. We decided not to go to the synagogues one which lead to us doing our own.

Matzo ball in the pot on the left. Gefilte Fish in the pot on the right and chicken in the oven.
Matzo ball in the pot on the left. Gefilte Fish in the pot on the right and chicken in the oven.

So I was in charge of the cooking since my mom wasn’t home to do it.

I don’t do large amounts of cooking often so it was nice to know that my mom thought everything came out well.

And just to prove that I am still knitting and this is still a knitting blog, I’ve been working on my Sockhead Hat that I have on the needles.


PS: It’s very hard to write a blog post when your cat is rubbing all over the desk between you and the laptop.

Snapshot_20144151004 (3)
And all three of the cats are in my room to boot! There’s the whole house and all three of them have to be with me. Figures.

Comments welcome! :)