Interact, a flavour of the work of all twenty-eight artists, gallery shots without all the people and the pastry eating…


Interact happened, a group show, the work of 28 artists, the photos from the opening night, along with some words (and the confusion over the pasty that turned out to be a pastry) that were originally posted in the form of a review on the Organ pages can be read via this link – Sir Ian McKellen eating a pasty, a giant yellow emoticon and a whole lot of art, paint, interaction and more… The Organ is of course is the publication brought to you by Cultivate (well Organ was there long before Cultivate and well, trumpet blowing is a thing that has to happen alongside all the artists rather having to come together to make it happen ourselves, the so-called London art press don’t actually cover the art that’s actually happen that much do they?


We’ll have the debrief and some written reflection later, there’s some initial thoughts that were written on the Friday after Thursday’s rather busy opening that became that aforementioned Organ review, more words from us soon.  It all may have looked serene, there really wasn’t much sleep to be had with all the publicity drive before hand, the dealing with 26 of out fellow artists, the delivery, the hang, the venue owners and then the performance, the crowds, the hundreds and hundreds of people who filed through and interacted on the Friday night, it may all have looked serene but we are only just catching up and getting out body clocks back near some kind of order. It does look like it was a pastry and not a pasty and I do think we can reasonably claim it all went rather well and that it was a rather healthy coming together of art, artists, people, performance, paint and more.



The Organ review gives you the photos and the people watching of the opening night   On this page you’ll find photographs of all the art in the show and some shots grabbed during the quieter moments of the weekend (including Amy Kingsmill’s bloodied roses slowly evolving over the weekend after her Thursday night performance…       (sw)

Click on an image to enlarge or to run the slide show…

One thought on “Interact, a flavour of the work of all twenty-eight artists, gallery shots without all the people and the pastry eating…

  1. Pingback: And so Interact happened, a Cultivate takeover of Coate Studios and two big rooms just off the Hackney Road… | Sean Worrall

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