Posted in Author Interviews

Author Interview #19: Lokesh Gulyani

lokeshLokesh Gulyani has recently made his debut with a paranormal thriller J – Jack, Jennifer & Jaisalmer. Born on Aug 23rd, 1978 at Bharatpur, Lokesh has done his Masters in Journalism and Mass Communication & M.A. in Sociology. Before getting into writing, Lokesh was into non-fiction programming and was popular for his late night radio show as RJ Sanam. He is currently working for an MNC in Jaipur. Married to an immensely talented Kathak dancer and father of an equally talented 7 year old lad, Lokesh is all set to leave his mark in the literary industry. Let’s get to know him more-

  • Hi Lokesh, congratulations on being published!

Thanks Madhuri! 🙂

  • Please tell us something about your book “J“:

It’s a paranormal thriller, written keeping the ruins of Jaisalmer as background. This is an unusual story which connects people from different walks of life to chase one single goal. The USP of this story is that every character’s life is running parallel with the protagonist. The story revolves around a mysterious Australian girl Jennifer. She is a project advisor for a wind mill project in Jaisalmer and she has a dark past which gets revealed, later in the story, to protagonist Jack, who is a consultant from UK. Jack comes to India to prepare a feasibility report for Jennifer’s project but gets trapped in the unforeseen circumstances. There are other mysterious characters also like Allen and Brahmadutt etc. What I like about the novel is that it has a very visual feel and actual description of Jaisalmer. The title of the book ‘J’ stands for Jennifer, Jack & Jaisalmer.

Read my review of Lokesh’s book “J

  • Interesting! When did you start writing?

It started as early as 2002, initially due to my various Radio & TV programming jobs and now it’s for my own satisfaction.

  • What is the purpose of your writing?

I feel happy when I finish writing any piece be it a sher, ghazal, nazm, short story anything. It feels like something was stuck inside me and now it’s out and I can breathe easily now. The purpose is to first make myself happy and then others.

  • True! Only a happy person can make others happy 🙂
    What inspired you to bring forth this idea as a book?

This book is a result of a nightmare and my couple of visits to Jaisalmer. Though both are not inter-connected. I had this dream in Oct 2014 and the very next day I was in front of a computer surfing dream interpretation websites and according to few sites my dream was leading me to fulfill my long awaited wish. I discussed the same with my wife and she reiterated positively for me to write as she believes that I can write.

  • A living example of “Behind every successful man, there is a woman”. Is the story fiction or inspired from real life?

 It is purely a work of fiction and has got no or coincidental resemblance with anyone.

  • Which of your works have been published so far?

From time to time my poems got published in newspapers and as a professional writer this is my debut novel.

  • You had first published your book in Hindi vernacular and now in English. What according to you appeals more to today’s audience? Hindi or English?

That’s subjective but I prefer Hindi because I think in Hindi and feel in Hindi. I find the right words and depth to express my emotions in Hindi. I read & write in both the languages but I feel more connected to Hindi though people are reading more in English these days.

  • So how was this journey of becoming a published author? Give some insights of your efforts on getting your work published.

Like any other debutante, I too had my share of sweet and sour experiences. I completed my novel around August 2015 and sent emails with manuscript to almost 300 publishers and literary agents including international publishers. There were 7-10% positive responses and out of that less than 10% were traditional offers. I mean I got almost 25-30 positive responses for my book but most of them were leading the conversation towards vanity publishing. I didn’t want to wait more as I wanted to write more books and wanted to get free from this daily marketing routine of mine so I chose the deals which were best for me and my pocket.

  • You have self-published your book. What is your take on the current scenario of the publishing industry?

It’s bad, not because of vanity publishing but because of the poor content that is getting published in abundance. The power of internet and self publishing has changed the game totally. It’s good up to the level of blog writing but when it comes to writing a book only quality books must see the light of the day. Stay a good reader rather than becoming a bad writer.

  • What should the beginners / debutantes do today?

If a writer one can wait then no doubt traditional is the best approach but if you are a new name and can’t afford to wait then go for a suitable economically viable plan and leave the rest to your book’s fate.

  • What is your idea of love, family and relationships on the whole?

All three stay together. Love is sweet surrender, family and relationship is a boat of life on which one sail through the sea of life and love is the air of its journey.

  • What are the four top most things you take care of while writing a book?
  1. To leave space for imagination for the readers
  2. Use of the language
  3. Characterization & Plot
  4. Point of view, length and grammar
  • What are your forthcoming writings?

I am writing my second fiction which is a combination of fantasy-reality, hope it will come in 2016 itself and after that I plan to write romance.

  • What is your favorite genre and why?

I like inspiring stories, tales which gives me goosebumps, extra ordinary achievements by ordinary people and I like to read romance also.

  • What / Who is your biggest source of inspiration in life?

My family and my inner crave for writing.

  • What is the biggest challenge you have ever faced and how did you overcome it?

Luckily life has always been kind so far. The challenge we fight today becomes routine tomorrow.

  • If you had to live a day of your life as one of the living or dead personalities, who would it be and why?

Bon Jovi from the band Jon Bon Jovi because I love his music.

  • And finally, any message for our readers? 

Read and read more. Buy and buy more books. If you get time, write unbiased reviews & emails to writers and try to buy more and more hard-copies rather than e-books.

So that was Lokesh for you, author of “J” (Jack, Jennifer and Jaisalmer)

Read my review of Lokesh’s book “J

You can get in touch with Lokesh directly at:

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I am a Computer Engineer working with a prominent firm. Writing is my passion and likewise I love reading novels and reviewing them. Want to get your novel reviewed? Feel free to contact me at or on Follow on FB- Happy reading! Keep smiling! ;)

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