Beer Wednesday – Yuengling Light Lager

Happy Beer Wednesday!

Once upon a time, there was a single option for light beer: Bud Light. However, since the advent of craft beers, most of which are vegan, there are a handful of decent light beers on the market.

One of these is Yuengling Light Lager.

Yuengling Lager is a solid, very safe, sessionable vegan beer, and their light lager is a light version of that same beer.

Yuengling, light lager, lager, pennsylvania lager, pennsylvania beer, pennsylvania light beer, pennsylvania light lager

Unlike Yuengling Lager, however, Light Lager is very light, almost thin. It tastes almost like Yuengling Lager, but lighter, which I guess is the point.

Now, I don’t generally drink light beer, because if I wanted a mix of vegan beer and seltzer, I would just mix beer and seltzer, not go buy a half-beer-half-water mix.

I suppose that this is a pretty good light beer, but I don’t love light beer. I give Yuengling Light Lager a 2/6 on my six-pack scale, which is sort of like a 4, light.

Two Beers, Six Pack, Open Six Pack, Broken Six pack, white six pack

~ by VegansHusband on October 2, 2013.

2 Responses to “Beer Wednesday – Yuengling Light Lager”

  1. I like the idea of a 4 light. 😉 Light beer just defeats the purpose doesn’t it?

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