When Jaundice Pushed a Boy into a Wheelchair

He’d been born healthy there.  All was well, but his future was altered there, in that place.  At 3 weeks old, they didn’t roll my seven pound baby out of the hospital in a wheelchair,

…but they might as well have.

Thus began our journey from “was” to “is.”

It’s long. It’s ongoing, and the journey is not all bad, but it sure does take everything we have.

Today, I have the honor of sharing our story over at a friend Aprille’s blog, Beautiful in His Time.

Join me?  


One response to “When Jaundice Pushed a Boy into a Wheelchair”
  1. sierravbrock Avatar

    I nominated you for the Liebster award which is a fun way for bloggers to give each other recognition where they believe recognition is due. Your nomination is over here: http://sierrabrock.wordpress.com/2014/11/08/an-online-nonmination-the-liebster-award/ Thank you for writing about God’s grace through your story as a special needs mom!!

if you’d like to email, you may do so at arearrangedlife at gmail dot com